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  Me,Hayden, and Leia are going to find Gray and Paris.Were in my room right now, planning and reviewing all of the things we know.

1)that she had a fake identity
2)She presented violent temper
3)Made out with her friends boyfriend
4)Has a relationship with David Stone.
5)David Stone suspects that Ava's cheating and he's gonna kill her.
6)Hates Ophelia and Pippa
7)Had weird friends
8)Has worked with dealers
9)She sent the same message to different people
10)She was also somewhere else before going to Leia
11)She needed money(maybe to pay her debt)
12)She sold drugs at parties
13)Threatened her friend
14)Sent the same message at different times and never responded to it

List of Suspects:
David Stone
Violent temper
Threatened her for cheating

Drug Dealer(unknown name)
For money

Clara Bell (she acted suspicious)
Drugged me because i talked with her about Ava

Adeline Lowe


Places she went:
4 p.m. Ava goes home from school.
5 p.m. The security camera sees her on Church Street.
6 p.m,She went to Clara's house and left a book
At 7 p.m,She went to Atlas's house to tell him that everything would be fine, that she would come back.
8 p.m. the time when she went to Leia's and became aggressive
9 p.m. the time she went with Adeline at that hospital and the time estimated when she went missing
10 p.m she went at David’s,drugged to confront him of cheating

After an hour, she leaves, and none sees her after.

My phone buzzed.It was a post from Adeline saying:

I miss you,angel!

What a fake I can't believe.I bet she's on her sofa gossiping about Ava with her friends.Or she's shaking because she knows that I will find that she's guilty.Or maybe she's innocent and I wanna blame someone.Nah she's guilty

They were at that hospital.Ava had her lock screen opened,but I couldn't see the date and the hour.I opened an editing program and started editing.Hayden was right.Adeline was lying.On Ava's phone it says 11 p.m,not 9.What if Adeline is holding her hidden?What if she killed her?

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