chapter 2

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I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling, the soup my mom made for dinner was really tasty, it makes me wonder how my father could leave such a beautiful woman with her brown eyes, full lips and a very nice shape even though she was in her forties, very hard working and most importantly a great cook. What's that famous saying that goes "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach", I guess the saying doesn't apply in real life cause with my mom's cooking skills she'd keep any man of her choice... Phew, why does life have to be so complicated?

I turned around to face the window, and there in the woods, I saw a man. He was not like anything I had ever seen before. He had this stillness to him, just standing there and unmoving. I got up from the bed and climbed out through the window in an attempt to go meet this man. On getting out the window, I started to approach the mysterious man but it felt like he got further away as I approached. I looked closely to realize he was getting away from me. "He doesn't want me to see him." I thought.  I ran after him with all my might calling out to him.

"Hey, wait up. I need to ask you about a lot of things". I said hoping he'd stop after hearing my voice but he didn't, he just kept going. I ran faster but all my efforts were futile.

Something grabbed my arm so hard that I almost hit the ground.

"What the heck......." My words got stuck in my mouth as I stared into a pair of golden eyes. It felt like I was staring into the sun, beautiful and bright, shining in all its glory. It was so beautiful that it was almost painful to stare at it.

"Don't look into my eyes you'll hurt yourself" the second mysterious man said.

As he said that I started feeling my eyes tearing up profusely, I looked away but not before I got a glimpse of the rest of his face. Oh my god, he was really beautiful. Beautiful did not do it justice. It felt like I looked upon the most perfect being on earth, a man moulded by God himself. His face was perfectly chiselled in all the right places, he had a full lip, and his lashes and brow were white which complimented his white-almost-silver hair. He looked like perfection and judging from his grip, he was pretty built or at least strong but I couldn't see that from all the clothing covering him up.

" Firstly, why are you here and why were you chasing that demon," he said breaking me out of my oblivion. you really can't blame me for staring it's not every day you see a man as beautiful as that, Ardelia had beautiful men but nothing comes close to this man in front of me. Is he even a man? Wait, did he just say demon?

"Did you just say demon?". I asked

" He is a half-demon, but that's not the point now is it?".

"Demons exist? I always knew there was something hidden from us. Are you a demon as well? Or a half-demon maybe?" I asked him. It felt like a small piece of the puzzle that is my life, was about to be put into place.

"No.....if you don't know about demons and you don't know what I am, then how can you see us?" The unearthly man asked me.

"I don't know"  I replied.

"Could you tell me more about yourself?"   I asked again.

" No, you're not supposed to be here. You're not supposed to see this and trust me it'd be better if you didn't know" he answered.

Well, that wasn't the answer I expected.
Before I could say anything more he stretched out his other hand that wasn't holding my arm and placed it on my forehead. A light started to glow and at that moment I realized what he was trying to do.

" Don't wipe away my memory, I'll just go back to my empty life not knowing all this existed, please" I pleaded with the unearthly man but the light only grew brighter till everything went dark.

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