chapter 9

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Peering from behind a tree, Hazel's eyes widened in shock as she realized she was inadvertently witnessing a clandestine meeting between two things strange to her. She had been spying on the cloaked man since the day he'd circled the house, he had stayed back to watch them using the leaves of the tree he had climbed to hide himself, she had watched it all happen pretending she couldn't him or what he did.

Three days, that was how long she had to stay home to see what move he planned to make next but three days he had stayed up there unmoving only coming down to ease himself, today was different though, when she had looked out she had spotted a twirling darkness and had wondered what it was, any sensible person should have run as far away as possible from it but he went after it. She had followed him of course, this was the first real action in three days, she had to find out what he was up to and why he had abandoned his supposed mission of watching them without the slightest hesitation and that was how she found herself here, hiding behind a tree her heart a beating mess as she witnessed something so unreal.

The darkness turned around and she beheld the palest face she had ever seen in her life. Its eyes were blue, the only clear thing she could see aside the darkness cause his face got blurrier the more she stared. She couldn't hear everything they said, but she heard the name Lucien and something about demons and half-demons. It seemed the man who had been watching them for a while now was called Lucien and he was a demon? Or was it the other man? It has to be the one surrounded in darkness the Lucien guy looked pretty normal cloaked but normal.

If truly one of them were a demon shouldn't they have sensed her? In one of her father's books, she read a long time ago before her mom put them away, she read about demons being able to sense the presence of a human or even their kind, what was different now?

Back then when she had read the book, she had written it off as a fantasy novel written by some fantasizer, even though she had seen a glowing man she had believed it was something out of her imagination just like her mom had said so she found the book a ridiculous imagination from an even more ridiculous person. She never thought to read it again, not like she would have found it anyway her mom had hidden it after she had caught her reading it. As she thought about it more, she realized she had never really bothered to connect the dots, she was indeed young when she read the book but she had still seen another thing out of fantasy sometime after that, and with everything happening recently she should have thought of it at least once, she's a big fool.

As soon as she had the thought she regretted it immediately, the "demon" in question looked in her direction with those eerie blue eyes. A shiver ran down her spine as their eyes met momentarily and she hid herself behind the tree her heart racing faster than it had been. How was it that she found herself in life-threatening situations recently? Just earlier she had thought the cloaked man, Lucien that's what the other thing called him, was stupid for pursuing darkness now she felt even more stupid for following them both, talk about the pot calling the kettle's bottom black.

She waited for the dark thing to appear in front of her and carry her away or maybe grab her from the back but nothing came. She peered at them again and saw the cloaked man with a sword in hand about to throw it at the other man-thing, it disappeared just before the sword reached him. She didn't know what was more shocking, the fact that one of those men might be a demon, her guess was on the one in darkness or the fact that one had tried to use a sword on the other, which was prohibited in Ardelia, or worse was the fact that the dark thing had just disappeared. She had witnessed something like this before, when something of similar darkness had been watching her when she was younger but hadn't watched it disappear, she had turned around to look at her mom when she looked back it was gone.

She watched as lucien picked up his sword, he seemed lost in thoughts, and he started making his way towards her, did he know she was there? She positioned herself further behind the tree in such a way that he wouldn't see her from the angle he was moving towards her. He passed without looking back and she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, he was heading back to their cabin. Gathering her courage she followed him. If he saw her this time she'd just pretend she was heading to the cabin, it was her home after all.


Lucien's mind was all over the place as he headed back to grab the supplies he had left on top of the tree. well, it wasn't much of a supply, he had left behind the map where he pointed out places he needed to visit right after he found out about the scandal with the girl, now he couldn't give a damn about it he had to get to Atmah as soon as possible.

He climbed the tree, picked up the bag containing the map and made to leave when he noticed the house was empty, "great, just great" he muttered, "Out of all the days to leave she chose today". He didn't bother checking the house again, he didn't have time to delay, on the scales of urgency his suspicion was like a smothering ember in comparison with the inferno of impending danger. The demons were free, with the amount of anger they'd been holding in, hell was about to break loose, he had to do something about it as soon as possible.

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