chapter 6

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At dawn, Lucien was seated on a chair in his kitchen lost in thoughts. He had been like that since he came back a few hours to dawn. Something unnatural had happened the previous night. He had returned to the cabin in the woods to heal the girl he thought he might have blinded, he had placed his hands on her eyes and felt life in them, they could see. He leaned in to get a better look at the areas around her eyes only to find out they were completely healed, he was sure they were supposed to be burnt but not even a scar was there. "Weird," he thought. He had left immediately, walking through the wall and making his way to his cabin up in the mountain. If something was up he sure as hell didn't want to be involved in it. A wound by the divine couldn't heal unless it was healed by someone who possessed the divine, "was an angel having an affair with this girl?" He thought, if that was the case it'd mean another angel was defiling himself with the created, which was against the law. He decided he'd watch the girl for some time to make sense of what was happening, if his suspicion was correct he'd have to report this to the arch to deal with the matter. He couldn't deal with it himself, it was out of his jurisdiction along with the fact that he had no right to judge an angel.

Now that he had gotten that out of the way, he decided to get into the main task at hand, the demons. Recently more of them were crossing into Ardelia trying to possess the body of the created. It was the half-demons though, the demons were held in their realm by an invisible force, it kept them from ever leaving their realms and whenever they tried to summon their powers to break free, it'd put them in a dead state for a century. Each time they slept they lost a bit of their powers so they never really left, the halfbreeds on the other hand were left without a bind because they were not as strong as their fathers, hence the crossing through realms.

His mind was made up. He'd start from the demon realm, they were the greatest out of the seven realms second only to Arhura if something was stirring up, they'd know, it was also a fact that he grew up there, and knew the land like the back of his hand though it was a long time ago, a time before the world got separated into seven realms, Arhura, Ardelia, Atmah, Eden, Terresan, Zarathul and The seventh realm which was nameless and a mystery hidden from them. All the realms were aware of each other's existence but dared not trespass into each other's territory, all except for Ardelia. They were entirely oblivious to the otherworldly things around them, the angels and lucien made sure it remained that way.

Having made up his mind on the realm to start from, he laid out his plans accordingly. He'd prow around Ardelia for some time, find out if any demons had crossed over, interrogate them to find out where the gates were and then cast them back to their realms. The gates changed their location every year and since he wasn't allowed to enter other realms, he didn't have information on where the gates were or where it'd move to next. There was also finding out the angel who was seeing the girl in the woods, hanging around Ardelia for a while was inevitable.

It took him a few more hours to map out areas he felt needed surveillance. When he was done, he felt exhausted, he could hear his stomach rumble, he still needed to eat the food of the created to feed his human side although, unlike the average person who needed to eat at least twice a day he could go for days without eating. This time it's been a week, the last time he ate was after the day he returned from Arhura.

He got up to see what he could conjure up from the ingredients he had. He settled for rabbit stew and rice having caught a rabbit on his way back from the woods.

He ate his food silently feeling like that day would turn out great now he had laid out his next move. He wasn't particularly a great cook but the food was edible and he only needed to fill his belly, whether the food was tasty or not it didn't matter as long as he was full.


It was noon when he left his cabin again, he had in mind to go watch the girl from the woods, "it shouldn't take time to find out what was going on" he thought as he made his way back to the cabin in the woods. It didn't take him long to reach the cabin, he could whisk himself through space but only for short distances, he wasn't as strong as the angels or the demons who could appear anywhere they wanted with a thought of it.

He saw her there sitting on a log of wood in front of their home. She looked even more beautiful than he remembered, clad in a black gown which complimented her brown hair which was brown as dry leaves in autumn, she looked like a midnight angel. She looked up and their eyes met, his breath caught in awe, her eyes were beautiful. Hazel and blazing, it felt like she could see him, see deep into his soul. It was scary and exciting at the same them.

She stood up and he panicked, "Could she see him?", his silent question was answered when she turned around and went into the house like nothing had happened. He breathed a sigh of relief he decided to keep his distance for now until he was sure she couldn't see him.

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