chapter 7

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Inside the cabin, Hazel cautiously peered out the window concealed by the wall of the cabin to ascertain whether the cloaked man still lingered. Earlier while she was sitting outside the house trying to make sense of the events of the previous night, she had felt a presence the same as the one in her room the night before. She looked in the direction whence it came, and there he stood, all in black attire, a hood over his head looking like something out of a book, an assassin of the night sent to watch her or maybe end her the assurance she had that that might not be the case was that he did not attempt whatsoever to conceal his presence an assassin would at least hide himself till his work was done. He still stood there even though she was looking at him, it was as though he believed he couldn't be seen by anyone. "The only way to find out was to approach him ...No" she decided against that, if truly he believed he couldn't be seen he'd flee with the slightest move she made towards him, she decided to act as though she wanted to approach him, if he made to hide himself or at least approached her, then it'd mean he knew she could see him. She stood up with force acting like seeing him had scared her but like she had expected the man remained unmoving. She turned around and made her way into the cabin expecting him to call out to her or move to grab her but none of those things happened that was when she was sure he was supposed to be invincible "But what was he ?" She thought. It was one of those mysterious things she had been seeing, she was sure of it but why was its attention now turned towards her? Did they find out she could see them? So far all she had seen had seemed to be doing their own thing totally ignoring her existence, well at least the glowing men she had seen were just about their business oblivious of her presence or maybe they just ignored her. The man in darkness on the other hand had been staring at her with eery eyes when she had noticed him just before he disappeared into nothingness. Now it was him who seemed like a normal person dressed as one but acted like some other thing. Twice now he had come for her, first was the night before and now he was there standing outside the cabin staring towards the house.

There was a sudden shift in the woods and she looked out the window again to check on him, not only could she feel his presence it seemed she could hear him too, he was moving heading toward the other side of the house. She followed the direction he moved stopping at the closest window to see the progress he had made, it seemed to her like he was surveying the premises, looking for something. He suddenly stopped moving and looked towards the current window she was peering from, she hunched downwards in an attempt to get out of his line of view, her heart pounding against her chest. As she sensed him approach the window, she quickly crawled to the closest chair, sat on it and pretended she had been knitting with the supply she found at the foot of the chair. He looked into the house and saw a picture of her lost in her knitting, seeing she was engrossed in knitting, he continued circling the house.

" Phew, that was close," she thought. She made no move to follow him again.


After he was done patrolling the house, Lucien made his way to the top of a tree and sat on its branches concealing himself, even though no one could see him unless he wanted to he felt like the girl could see him whenever she looked his way, it was eery, well if she was having an affair with an angel it's not entirely impossible that he had granted her power to see through the cloaking of the divine the problem was that as he surveyed outside the house he didn't find any trace of a divine being anywhere. Wherever a divine visited he left a mark and even if he cloaked it he should have been able to sense the cloak, two things were involved, they met somewhere else either that or the affair didn't exist at all but if that was the case how would one explain her seeing him the first time or the fact that her eyes had magically healed?. come to think of it if an angel had healed her he would have looked into her soul and found out what had happened in the first place, why hasn't he reported it? Of course, he wouldn't report they'd just find out about the affair and cast him out, maybe he was holding the information to use it against him if he were ever to find out about the affair. Whoever they were they were pretty smart. Whatever the case may be he had to find out who it was. When the house was empty he'd search the house. He could have done it right away but it felt improper to do so while she was home then there was the fact that it felt like the girl could see him. Whenever she glanced his way by chance it felt like she could not only see him but also peer through the deepest parts of his soul. No, he'd wait till the house was empty before he went in, it shouldn't take that much time he thought.

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