chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning feeling like something was wrong, missing. Blurry images kept popping up in my mind but I couldn't figure out what it was. The more I thought about it my head started to ache unbearable, and together with the tenderness in my eyes I felt miserable.

I finally mustered enough energy and got out of my bed. I went to help my mom prepare breakfast so she could leave for work, she works as a cook in one of the rich merchant's houses in Ardelia, the Maslows. She makes lunch and sometimes dinner, which explains why she doesn't need to leave very early in the morning. I did work at the Maslows as a cleaner but got fired because I was obsessed with staring into oblivion at awkward hours. The daughter of the Maslows hates me and said I was weird and spooky, along with the fact that I didn't get my job done as fast as the other maids she convinced her father to fire me. I think it's their loss though, I'm an exceptional cleaner.

"Good morning mum, what are you making it smells good".

"I'm making rice with cabbage sauce. I also want to pack a sandwich with the bread I made last night for my lunc..... Oh my God Hazel, what is wrong with your eyes. Have you been crying?".

"My eyes? what's wrong with my eyes?." I asked panicked.

"Your eyes are red, your eye area too as though you spilled hot tea on it". 

I ran out of the kitchen and went to the mirror to look at my face my mom following closely behind me. On seeing my face I gasped. The areas around my eyes were red even my eyes were red. A voice rang in my head "Don't look into my eyes you'd hurt yourself". What was that?, where did I hear that from? This smelled like a case of glowing men and shadow beings, totally something my mother wouldn't want to hear. I have to come up with something to tell her at least till I figure out what's happening here.

I gathered my thoughts and steadied my voice as much as I could so that she wouldn't detect the fear in my voice.

"Urh, something got into my eyes. It was really itchy and I ended up rubbing my eyes throughout the night. I had no idea it'd become this red. I look so ugly". I said hoping she would buy the story

"You were fine after dinner and you went straight to your room how then did you get something in your eyes from your room?". She asked.  Her analysis is top-notch just like I expected. It's not easy to fool my mom unless you're talking emotional crap.

"I don't know Mom, it just happened I promise"

"Hmmm, if you say so. Remember you could tell me anything ok". She said as she masked the suspicion in her eyes.

"Ok," I answered.

Phew.., that was close. I know she didn't buy the story I told her, she probably thinks I was crying my eyes out last night, and I rather she think that than what happened. What even happened last night?

" Let's go back to cooking so you won't get to work late. You know how the Maslows are." I said to her.

"Yh. That's right. Let's go"


After my mom left for work, I sat in our little guest room trying to make meaning of what was going on. What happened to my eyes? what was the voice that rang in my mind? Did I hear the voice from a dream? My mind was in a total mess.

A few hours passed by and I still couldn't make meaning of anything. Nothing new popped up in my mind after the voice I remembered and every time it felt like I was about to remember something I felt this sharp pain in my forehead and my mind just blanked. One thing is for sure, something is wrong here, why would someone not want me to remember him?, How would they even have the ability to erase my memory? I started to think about the time I saw a man floating in the sky. I didn't see his face but I could still remember a few details like how he was radiating light from him. Thinking more about it, I think his clothes were all white, even his hair was white. I have never seen a man with white hair before. Or have I?
I closed my eyes to dim the ache in my head and just then something flashed across my eyes. So fast I barely got it.
I remembered white hair and golden eyes, not just golden but blazing like the sun. And then nothing, nothing more came up.
"Ugh.." I said out loud. I felt so frustrated. What were all these images? white hair, golden eyes, a voice. It made zero sense to me.

After a few more minutes of thinking I gave up and decided to do something else. Maybe I could go to the market and find out the latest happenings, find out which rich man is in search of a maid, I'm in need of a job after all. If someone erased my memory, maybe it was best to just leave it as it is.

Having a newfound goal for the day. I skidded happily into my room. I changed into my outing clothes brushed my hair and went to check how I looked in the mirror in the hallway. We only have one mirror in the house, that's all we can afford and it's placed in the hall between my mom's room and mine.

After checking myself out in the mirror, I was satisfied with what I saw. I took my satchel and stuffed some sandwiches inside it in case I stayed out for long. Our cabin is in the woods far from the rest of the village. Mom says the house belongs to my father and it's all we can afford to live in. I don't mind really, it's quiet and peaceful, away from the normal bustling of the village.
With my satchel full of sandwiches, -I love to eat, my mom says I'm a food monger. I'm a little bit on the fat side, well not really fat, I'm just bigger than the average beauty standards too slim girls. It always bothered me when I was little and other girls made fun of my size, one of the reasons I love my peaceful cabin. I'm over that now, I love me as I am and it's not like I can ever give up food, ha-, I left the house.

In the woods, walking into town, I remembered that my eyes were supposed to be red. I had forgotten. How did I not remember, even though I looked into the mirror this morning? Something must really be wrong with me. I decided to go back to the house to check if it was still too red. I hadn't gone too far from the house.

On getting home I looked into the mirror and what I saw shocked me. My eyes were totally healed, with no trace of the gruesome redness it had just a few hours ago. I started to feel uneasy, that feeling of leaving something out came back with a greater force this time but I had already decided to not worry about that. I shoved the uneasiness deep into me where I won't even remember to look and continued to the market.

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