chapter 10

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As Hazel discreetly observed him walking away from the cabin something struck her, he was leaving but why?, She was supposed to be relieved, the cloaked man was leaving their lives and from the look of things he hadn't gotten what he wanted, heck he hadn't hurt them but all she felt was an overwhelming wave of disappointment drowning every bit of relief she had. How could he leave now? not when she had found out that demons exist, seen one and this time was confident it was not a product of her imagination, she wanted more, needed more, for once in her life she was sure of herself, her visions had been real but the only proof she had of its existence was walking away from her, the only means to find out more was now leaving, abandoning her, why had he changed his mind?

Laughable, that is what she was at the moment, a few days ago she had been terrified by his presence now she was disappointed he was leaving, laughable didn't do it justice. She had to follow him, she needed to, but her mother, what would happen to her mother? She'd be worried out of her mind. Following him started to sound like a bad idea but she felt a force pulling her to him same as the one that made her follow him earlier, the further he went the stronger it pulled until she gave in to it.

She went after him, using the trees as her cover " Once  I see his face, I'll return home." She assured herself totally shielding her mind from the danger she might be getting herself into.

They walked west of Ardelia's woods for an hour, as she saw unfamiliar things it started to hit her that she had ventured very far from home this time and even if she were to complete her self-given mission, she would not be able to find her way home. She mentally smacked herself for not leaving a trail she could use to find home in case she was lost, she was inexperienced, how was it that she hadn't ventured to this part of the woods for the whole twenty years of her life? She was starting to realize how monotonous her life had been.

She peered out from behind the recent tree she had hidden herself, the cloaked man,  Lucien- she kept forgetting that that was his name-  had stopped in front of what seemed to be a narrow lake. She beheld the lake from where she stood, the sun was hitting its clear surface giving it a golden tint, the view was as captivating as it was beautiful. The view was hypnotizing as well and she got lost in its depths, it drew her to it singing songs of a promise of immeasurable pleasure, a whisper of good things to come. She started to walk towards it, unaware of her surroundings, the need to remain hidden lost in the enchanting depths of the lake that called out to her.

As she got closer, the pull to the lake became stronger, irresistible.

She made to enter the lake when something suddenly grabbed her pulling her back into the covering of the trees. That single act shook her back to reality, she looked up to see what it was that had pulled her away only to be met with a cloaked face.

Shit, what had she done? she had let her guard down, he had found her, she couldn't even carry out a task as small as seeing his face, she was truly worthless, the world's most inexperienced mundane that's what she was.

The cloaked man stood there staring at her -or at least that's what she thought, his face was concealed in the hood of his cloak so she didn't know if he was looking at her or if his eyes were closed but judging from the direction he was facing, he had to be looking at her or at least intended to- not uttering a single word for what felt like hours instead of a few minutes it was.

After a few more minutes, he turned around and made his way further away from the lake, she followed behind him closely.   They walked for a few more minutes before he came to an abrupt stop, she followed suit. She watched as he turned around to face her, he leaned on one of the trees crossing his arms, he looked smug standing like that.

"Start talking" he finally said.

Start talking? Seriously? that was the first thing that came to his mind to say?

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