chapter 8

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Three days, three whole days that's how long he had stayed on this damn tree waiting for an opportunity to search the cabin or at least something that would point out the existence of a relationship, but nothing, no sign of a winged glowing thing coming down from the sky neither did he get an opportunity to search the house.
The girl, Hazel, that's what her mom had called her, never left the house, she was like a thorn in his eyes that he couldn't get rid of. How could a young lady let her mom do all the work while she stayed at home all day? He was starting to dislike her. Despite the fact that it had been only three days, a responsible woman should have at least once or twice left to help or maybe find a means to help her mom knowing fully well it was just the both of them. He sighed, he was getting tired of this whole thing, maybe he should leave, and get on with his other task the main task at hand for all he knew anything could have happened in those three days he had spent in this ridiculous position, heck the halfbreeds could have started executing their plans if they had any, who knows how long they've been making whatever their plans were. Personally, he didn't think the halfbreeds were strong enough to cause any serious damage along with the fact that the demons couldn't use their powers, he was almost certain they wouldn't do much regardless he still had to find out if they had something cooking and stop it before it got out of hand. It'd be his fault if anything went wrong, the angels hated him already because of his background he didn't want to add any other reasons for them to hate him even more assuming he isn't stripped of his post and thrown into the dark valley first. The dark valley was where they held lawbreakers whose crime wasn't big enough for banishment. He sighed again.

One day, he'd stay here for one more day and that's it, if nothing happened before the end of tomorrow he'd go searching for the gates, and get on with his mission before it's too late.

From the corner of his eye, he saw something move, he looked in that direction and saw a smothering darkness, a half-demon, Weird, the half-demons never came out in the daytime especially showing themselves in any range close to him. He had cloaked his presence, he remembered, regardless it was still unusual for one to be here at that time and this was the second time he saw them in these woods close to this cabin, what were they up to? Could the be the one having an affair with the girl? It couldn't be, a demon might be able to heal the wound from the divine having possessed it themselves at some point though it won't be easy but a half-demon?, Impossible.

He alighted the tree with one graceful jump and went after the half-demon cautiously. He didn't bother removing his cloak since he didn't want it to feel his presence, he had intended to follow the demon find out what it was up to, grab it, see what he could get out of it and cast him back to his realm.

"Grab, questions, purge. Easy enough" he muttered under his breath, luck was really on his side, just when had been complaining of sitting on his ass without results, she had sent him this reckless demon to begin his mission.

He chased the half-demon for a few miles before he stopped and hid behind a tree, the half-demon had stopped, could it feel him? That was impossible he was cloaked.
It turned fully facing his direction, his body shook tremendously on seeing its face. "It can't be, it can't be him, it's not possible, how can it be possible? but his eyes couldn't mislead him, neither can his senses." he thought

"Come out from your hiding spot little boy, I can feel you," the thing said, dramatically dragging the last part.

He controlled the trembling in his body and came out from behind the tree.


"Take off the hood Lucien or are you still as weak as you were the last time I saw you?" the thing said.

He removed his hood revealing himself.

"Hiding behind your human form like usual I see, still weak and sympathetic to these lowly creatures, when would you see they lack the might that we have? We're mightier than they are stronger, superior, yet these useless things are favoured above us."

"It's that what you're planning, to get the justice that you think you deserve? is this why there have been more of your kind coming into this realm?" Lucien asks trying his best to mask the tremble in his voice.

"My kind? how long do you plan on denying your nature?" Lucien's father asked.

"I'm not like you, I would never be like you, I could never defile myself with the created, I would never turn my back on the laws that keep the realm in order, I would never turn my back on Ellah, not after everything he has done for me, for us all. Banishing your kind was just a mercy on his part, I'd be grateful if I were you" he said running out of breath.

"Ellah you say?" He laughed ominously, "That was an honourable speech applaudable even if I must say, though..." he paused to give off a dramatic effect, he looked behind his son and smiled, "...I knew you were weak but never did I imagine you were this foolish, your people would be ashamed of what you've become. If truly you want to learn about what we are planning come to Atmah and find out yourself or are you still the coward I remember hiding behind these weak beings?" He said and turned to leave.

"Wait, how are you here, I thought the demons could not leave their realms, neither could they use their powers?" Lucien asked.

"You naive boy, don't believe everything you're told". Lucien's father said.

He took another step to leave and Lucien activated his divine, drew his sword and stood in a throwing stance, he had intended to throw the sword at his father, all he needed was for it to touch him and he'd be able to cast him back to whatever pit he came from he was still shocked on seeing a full demon, not just a full demon but one of the seven powerful demons.

Sensing the divine, his father turned around just as he let his sword fly, his eyes widened in shock as he disappeared before the sword reached him.

Lucien went to pick up his sword, what did his father mean by what he said? it made no sense to him but one thing was for sure, he needed to leave immediately.

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