chapter 11

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Lucien teetered precariously close to losing his cool, with only a slim margin separating him from tipping over the edge. He had been played for a fool by a common human, a created, he was furious, not at her but at himself for failing at one thing he excelled in, carrying out his job, this was the second time now.  It wasn't entirely his fault for underestimating the female, the created have always been predictable, living content lives, never doing anything out of the ordinary, they were like mindless beings,  but he should have known something was amiss, he should have sensed it but he didn't.

The stolen glances in his direction, the fact that she hadn't left the house a minute since he arrived a few days back and the fact that only on the day he got distracted did she leave, were all signs he had mindlessly ignored, heck he should have felt her presence when she trailed him the first time, the second time too but he had been too lost in the unexpected appearance of his father and the implication that came with it to notice.

"yes, that had to be it" he thought,but he still couldn't shake off the fact that he should have sensed her at least for the fact that he had been watching her for days. It felt as though she was someone made specially by heavens to test him, if that were the case he had failed terribly.

He took a deep breath to clear his mind and closed his eyes. This was the most challenging his life had ever gotten that is if you put aside the now-too-common hate he got from the angels because of his background. It was supposed to be an exciting experience one he should accept with open arms, but something was weighing heavily on his soul, he was utterly enervated and he couldn't point out the cause of it, perhaps it was the fact that his father, the man he despised the most -if he let himself admit it, he was the only being that terrified him apart from Ellah of course- was free of his bindings and is roaming around as we speak, the implication of his presence meant that the others were free as well or at least the seven high ones, that matter was not one to be excited about no matter how challenging or adventurous it was.

He sighed and opened his eyes, he looked at the girl a few miles before him seated on the sand her back resting against a tree. He had given her the tiniest bit of regard by telling her to stay away from the water though he hadn't told her why.

She was beautiful he had to give her that, not as beautiful as the queen of the fairies or even the average female angel, but she was beautiful in a refreshing way, better than those too-skinny girls Ardelia harboured, he never understood the trend of being too skinny, is not like being skinny was bad he just didn't understand why it was a necessity to be classified as society's beauty. The people of Ardelia really lived easy, ignorant lives if they worried about who was skinny and who wasn't.

He sighed again.  What was he to do with her? He knew for sure he couldn't let her go back but taking her with him was out of the question. He sighed again, he was sighing a lot these days evidence of his exhaustion.

Maybe he should just dump her into the lake and see if she won the battle against the lake.  Her chances were pretty low seeing that she already knew too much.

The lake was an enchanted lake that was habited by spirits that were invisible to even him, they were in charge of handling any created that ventured toward this area. The view was extremely beautiful, any human who found it would have been tempted to visit it frequently and eventually, they'd have attempted to cross it and on the other side of the lake was an enchanted forest which held a lot of things which was not for their mundane eyes to see. If they found out about them they'd disrupt the order of things and chaos would be the result, so the spirits were in charge of eating the human if they scanned through their mind and saw that they'd gone deep into the knowledge of the other realms or cleansing their minds and returning them in a way that they wouldn't think of venturing towards there in the rest of their days if they were just regular tourists that bumped into the view. They did that by singing a hypnotizing song that made every mundane thing close by drawn to it and as soon as it entered they carried out their task. The spirits never left the water, ever.  He wasn't affected by it, due to his demon side thankfully, but earlier it had affected the girl and he was sure death was what awaited her in the depths of that lake if he hadn't saved her.

Throwing her into the lake would reduce part of his misery but he'd be faced with guilt. The girl was right, she was all her mother had and throwing her into the river was a death sentence with all she knew, he couldn't do that to the poor woman. Besides, he still needed her to fish out the angel going against the rules.

He was going to contact Malachi his friend, he was an angel but was one of the few ones who didn't look down on him, and ask for his opinion.

He got up and approached the girl.

"What is your name" he asked her when he reached where she sat

" Maya".

He sighed.

" Your mom called you Hazel".

"If you knew that was my name, why did you bother asking." She replied harshly.

"Look here" he crouched down and held her chin " if you want this coexistence to work, you'd have to be nice to me seeing that I have your life in my hands"

She just rolled her eyes and said nothing, though she was terrified.

He could hear her heart racing, - if he listened closely he could hear from a distance but unlike the demons, he needed to focus- good.

"Stay here, I'd be back. Don't think of trying anything stupid and stay the hell away from the lake"

"It's not like I have anywhere to go, besides you'd just hunt me down if I do or am I wrong?" She stated dryly.

"At least you're smart," he said haughtily and left.

He made his way back to the spot they had had their little chat earlier, it was the perfect spot, not too far from where he had left the girl but not close enough for her to intrude.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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