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The same day around 1 am


I wake up suddenly to the feeling of my bladder aching. I groan and walk quickly to the bathroom.

Relieved and hungry, I waddle to the kitchen to see i there's food that can fill my stomach. I look in the cupboards and cabinets and I find nothing.

I sigh and turn around to see if there's something in the fridge and there's a post-it on it.

Ohhh, it says that she made a Cesar salad for me. I precipitately open the fridge and in a matter of seconds, I am at the table, swallowing the food. This shit is so good.

I finish eating and go back to my room. I need sleep.

A few hours later

I wake up again, this time to someone talking quite loudly. Well probably not that loud, my bedroom is just across the kitchen.

I yawn and try to listen to it. "Yeah, she was so rude! First at airport when I took her things, then in the car, she shut down all my conversations and when we entered the house, she was mad that I was staying with her."

Was I that bad? I'll try to be better, but don't expect anything crazy.

"But I think I'll give her another chance because she probably had a long day or something." She finishes. "Damnnn, she looked so kind. I wanted to meet her so bad-"

I my phone accidentally makes a noise, making the person she's talking to stop. "I think she just woke up, I need to go." Y/N says. "Okay bye babyyyyyyyyyyy, I love youuuuuuuu," "I love you tooooooooo."

Mommyyyy 💋💋💋
Be kind to your P.A Reneé she's only a year older than you. And don't ignore me, we do it to protect you. I love you baby ❤️

I wait a few seconds before showing off myself. "Good morning! I made you some breakfast! I did some bacon and eggs! You need to be on set at-"

"At 8:00 am, I know. You can leave now", I roll my eyes. "Okay, I'll go change, I'll come back at 7:30", she looks down at the floor.

She leaves as I sit at the table, the plate in front of me. It smelled really good. I quickly eat to go get ready. It's already 7:13 and I need to be ready in like 15 minutes.

I take a hot shower and dress myself in black sweatpants and a black hoodie. I did a little skincare and put on perfume. As I am putting on my jewelry, my phone rings.

"Hey Re-" "You are going to be fired Bowie! How do you just tell me that I'm going to have a P.A then don't contact me for over 15 hours?!" I yell, putting my phone on the vanity.

"I'm so sorry R, I was busy. But here are so more informations. I talked with Tina yesterday to discuss and she told me that instead of filming for 8 months you'll be filming for 10 months and you're going to have a two months break in between the 5th and 6th month."

"Are you fucking kidding me?", I pinch the bridge of my nose as I walk into the living room. "So I'm going to be babysat for 5 months straight?! What kind of bullshit is this Bowie?!" I shout at him, this is really pissing me off.


As I wait patiently on the couch for Reneé, I hear her shouting on the phone to someone as she walks into the living room. She doesn't even seem to notice me.

"So I'm going to be babysat for 5 months straight?! What kind of bullshit is this Bowie?!" She shouts, clearly talking about me.

Damn. I've been with a million rude and mean celebrities, but I didn't think Reneé Rapp was one of them.

"Yeah, whatever I need to go now. But this conversation isn't finished." She hangs up with a sigh and darts her eyes around the room. When they land on me, she startles, now noticing my presence.

I still get up and take the bag that I had placed beside me. "So, Miss, this your bag, I put an extra script in case, a water bottle and some snacks that you'll probably like. And just so you know, I will not be on set with you, I'll be in your trailer-"

"Who said you're coming with me? Not to be rude or anything", she asked. "Hum, well it's kinda my job, but hum, like I said, I'll be staying at your trailer." I assure, making her sigh.

"Okay, but please don't say that you're my P.A to anyone, I beg you. Just say you're my friend or something." "Well, I already told Bebe Wood and I don't know if she told anyone-"

"Why did you tell her? And when was this?" Damn this girl has a problem with interrupting people.

"It was yesterday, she was searching for you, but you were asleep. Her apartment is across the hall though. Let's get going we don't want to be late." I say, opening the door.

She walks out, I lock the door and follow her. We arrive at the lobby and see Bebe Wood and another brown girl.

"Hey! I'm Bebe Wood and you're Reneé Rapp! And this is Advantika! And you're Y/N, we saw each other yesterday!" Bebe exclaims, truly happy to see us.

Instantly, Reneé's mood changes. Her smile brights up as she hugs the two girl. What a hypocrite.

We walk to the car that is waiting for us and I embark in the passenger seat as the three girls sit at the back, laughing and getting to know each other.

After 10 minutes with arrive on set, and we are greeted by the rest of the cast and crew. They seem all lovely.

"See you for lunch girls!" I wave at them as I'm about to walk to Reneé's trailer. Advantika and Bebe wave and smile back at me as Reneé follows me quietly.


You and Reneé enter the trailer and look around for a little bit.

"You're lucky, this trailer is very spacious. I only had one Star that had a trailer as big as this one", you say, making yourself comfortable on the couch.

"What's a Star?" "It's the celebrities I work with. The one that had a trailer like this was Jennifer Aniston", you answer proudly.

"You worked with Jennifer Aniston for real?" "Yeah, when she was filming F.R.I.E.N.D.S. I was her assistant for like 9 months, but that was enough to make us friends."

"Ooh, and who was your last Star?" Reneé wonders. If she could call them to ask how you are it would be perfect.

"Mhm, I don't know if I should say it", you hesitate. "Come onnnn, who was it?" She insists. "Okay, it was Madison Beer." You admit, looking down.

"You worked for Madison Beer!? That's insane! How was she?" Reneé gets curious. "Mhm, I don't really want to talk about it...You need to go on the beauty trailer now", you gently push her towards the door.

"I will find out Y/N!" She warns before walking out the door.

You sigh; at least you got her to talk to you and be the minimum kind to you.

As Reneé gets her makeup done, she decides to text someone just to have a little bit more of information.


Hey Madison, it's Reneé. How was Y/N?


What did happen between Y/N Y/L/N and Madison Beer?

Mwah 💋

ShittyAssStories 💌

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