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Hey! Just so you don't get lost: The people in the story are 2 months in out of the five months.


A few hours later, at home


After Reneé's little tantrum, you both came back to the apartment. You made dinner and you ate together.

After that, she decided that she wanted to cuddle you to death and that's what she did. She decided that she wanted to binge watch movies with you too. Now, you two were just chilling, enjoying each other's presence.

"Baby, can you get up? I want to go take a shower." You ask, brushing Reneé's hair with your fingers. "No, do it later." She whines. "Please? I'm really hot. I promise I'll be right next to you in 20 minutes max."

"Do it quick." She sighs, rolling over the other side of the bed. "Yes, I promise." You kiss her forehead and make your way to the bathroom.

Reneé gets up and yawns. She then makes her way to the kitchen to find something to eat.

As Reneé roams around the cabinets, she starts to hear a faint buzzing sound. Confused, her eyes wander around the kitchen, just to land on your phone.

Someone is calling you.

She tries to ignore it, but the buzzing was constant, like the person was calling you over and over again.
"Should I do it?" Reneé thinks, biting the inside of her cheek.

"Fuck it." She mumbles and picks up the phone. She furrows her eyebrows when she sees the name of Madison Beer being on the FaceTime dial.

She still decides to answer. "Hello?" Reneé is met by a crying Madison, sitting on the bathroom floor, the phone against something to hold it up.

"Y/N?" "Hum, no it's Reneé. Do you need her?"

Madison's heart drops at the voice. Y/N didn't answer the phone. She never lets anybody do it, except if it's someone dear to her.

You and Madison were cuddling on her bed, her head in the crook of your neck and your hands running up and down her back.

You and her were just chilling, having nothing to do after coming back from the studio. "Can we watch another movie again? I'm bored." Madison asked, lifting her head to look at you.

"Yeah, what do you want to wa-" you got interrupted by your phone ringing. Since it was next to Madison, she picked it up and handed it to you.

"You can answer, it's just my manager, I can't right now with him", you rolled your eyes, already hearing his voice in your head. "For real?" "Mhm", you nodded.

3 minutes later

"Why'd you let me answer?" Madison questioned you, after hanging up. "Because I didn't want to talk to my manager and I trust you. I never let anyone do it apart from the people I find important to me."

"You think I'm important to you?" The girl on top of you pouted. "I don't think, I know." You smiled then kissed her forehead.  

"I-I never mind, can you please tell her to call me back? Please?" She begs, sounding desperate. "Yeah, don't worry. Bye." Reneé hangs up.

"What did just happen?" Reneé thought out loud. The 28 seconds encounter with Madison Beer wasn't expected in any way.

Reneé got more curious and while the phone is open, why not check the messages between the two of you?


Madison Beer

3 weeks ago
Hey Y/N, it's Madison. Can we please talk?

Please, I want to apologize and be your friend again (and maybe more).

2 weeks ago
I'm so sorry for what I did, I wasn't really in a good state of mind

1 week ago
I should've chose you over Darcy. I know I hurt you, but please give me a second chance

Even if we just stay friends. Please Y/N, I was stupid at that time. I guess I'll keep texting you...

Y/N please answer me

2 days ago
Don't ignore me please. I'll stop spamming you if you talk to me




I don't even have time to react because I hear the shower turning off. I put Y/N's phone back on the table and continue to roam around the kitchen, like nothing happened.

A few minutes later, she comes out to the kitchen, her wet hair up in a bun. "Hey babe. What are you eating?" She asks, going to the counter with the kettle on top of it.

"Just cereals. I was hungry." "Aw, you should've told me, I would've made you something better." She says, pouring water in the kettle.

"No, don't worry. You always cook for me." "By the way, Madison Beer called you and I answered. I hope it doesn't bother you." I continue nonchalantly, catching her attention.

"She called? And I already told you, it doesn't bother me in any way. But what did she say?" Y/N asks nervously.

"Well nearly nothing. She was crying in her bathroom floor, I think? Then her eyes widened when she realized that I was me and not you." I begin, making her stop her actions and listen intensely to me.

"Then she zoned out for like 3 seconds and she said never-mind and asked me to tell you that she called and that she wanted you to call her back." I finish, making her sigh.

"I'm not going to call her back. You don't need to worry okay? I swear it's the only thing she did in a long time." She lies, wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

"You sure?" I raise my eyebrows, making her giggle nervously. I know that she's lying. But she doesn't know that I know that she is lying. And I ain't going to say anything.

I'll just wait...and act nonchalant with her...and you know, make her sexually frustrated.

"Yeah...I mean, you can trust me..?" She says, but it comes out more like a question. "Yeah, I trust you, don't worry." I grab her jaw and kiss her. Before she can deepen the kiss, I pull back, making her frown.

"You ready to go to bed?" I ask, putting my bowl and my spoon in the sink. "Yeah."

The plan will start tomorrow.


Y'all this is half a fill up half a real chapter. And the ending was kinda rushed.

I promise a better chapter next Sunday!


Who wants to be my friend? I literally have no friends, like LITERALLY.

Mwah 💋

ShittyAssStories 💌

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