Greetings to the Overlord

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Today, you walked into the hotels lobby. You were pretty exhausted from helping Charlie with exercise ideas, while everyone else slept peacefully. Charlie greets you with a smile. "Good morning [Reader]! I hope you had a great rest!" She waves her arm and hugs you as a greeting. You walk in and sit on the couch, the cushions before soft under you.

You sigh as your shoulders slump. Charlie turns her head, wondering what happened to you. "You alright, [Reader]? Did you not sleep well?" She tilts her head and puts a hand on your shoulder. You sigh in response, "No, I'm fine. I'm just a little tired from helping." Charlie frowns, patting your back. "If you want, you can get more rest. We can start the exercise later." She smiles, trying to cheer you up. You just wave your hand dismissively, telling her it's not that big of a deal and that you would feel better later on in the day.

"Okay, everyone! Today's exercise will be about.. boundaries!" Charlie smiled, clasping her hands together as she stood in the front of the room. Husker groans slightly, sitting with the others on the couch. Angel raises his brows, crossing his legs and watching Charlie. Charlie begins talking and setting everything up. "Okay, so, Angel, I want you and [Reader] to come here!" Angel sighs and stands up. You follow and stand in front of Angel and Charlie.

She begins telling Angel and you that if someone says they don't want to do something, you should respect it. Charlie tells Angel to say something, and once you say no, she tells him to yell at you. Angel is a little confused but complies. "Heyyy.. uhh, [Reader].. do you want to.. go do drugs?" Angel says, having no idea what to say. You say no, and Angel yells to comply what Charlie says. Charlie pats his arm and speaks to everyone. "See, this is not good. Angel got angry at [Reader], and now they are sad. Not good, right?"

Charlie tries explaining what bad this could do to a person when a sudden noise erupts from the TV. It's Vox's face! He laughs, "Hello, you all!" Vox laughs manically, the screen flickering to just his face. He exits the screen, now in front of everyone in the room. Scanning the room, he spots you, and only you. "O-oh! What do we have here..?" He smiles, walking towards you and cupping your cheek. He looks at you with lovey eyes, zoning out on your features for a second. Suddenly, he realized what he was doing, grunting as he cleared his throat and walked towards the front of the room.

Vox speaks loudly, laughing manically as electricity shot from his hands. "Oh, Alastor, it looks like your little hotel didn't turn out so well.. I cannot wait to watch you get FUCKED in the next extermination!" He yelled, his screen flickering slightly. He walks back towards you, taking your arm and giving you a gentle yet noticeable caress. "And.. I cannot wait to see you, too." He grinned before walking back to the front of the room. "Well.. have fun, and.. good luck, you are going to need it." Vox says before shifting back into electricity and disappearing.

The others turn to you, Angel Dust is the first to speak up. ", what was up with TV head getting all lovey dovey touchy touchy with [Reader] over here?" He asks, raising a brow as he points to you. You shrug, having no idea. Charlie was.. proud? Proud that you got Vox to fall in love with you? Whatever. Today was.. weird, but maybe tomorrow will be better.

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