How pathetic.

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Man, what a day yesterday was. It was a little weird, but you didn't think much of it. Going back down to the lobby, being welcomed by everyone as you waved good morning to them. You have a few conversations with the residents before hearing a knock on the door. Charlie quickly runs to go get it, expecting a new resident to stay at the hotel. Instead of a demon wanting to be redeemed, it's Vox, lovely. You couldn't quite notice what he looked like, but you recognized his voice and how his screens light shined on Charlie's face. "Hello, im looking for [Reader]. Are they here?" Vox smiles. You look over at the door to see what's going on.

Charlie turns her head to face you, giving you a hand signal to come over there as she goes back to facing Vox and smiles. You sigh, walking towards the door and beside Charlie. She moves out the way so both you and Vox could talk, the other residents taking notice of this and watching.

Vox was wearing a brown turtleneck, black jacket, and black pants. (Basically, the radiosilence clothing kinda stuff, yk) you didn't notice what it was, but there was something behind his back. You tilted your head as he spoke. "Hello there, you must be [Reader], correct?" He smiles, awaiting your answer. You nod, his smile growing. "Well, I got these for you." Vox says, pulling out a bouquet from behind his back. He was a little nervous to show it off. You could tell by his nervous screen glitches and flickers. It was a very nice bouquet, and probably expensive too. His nervous expression makes you laugh as you take the flowers out of his hand.

Vox looks at you, hoping you like the flowers as he places his hands behind his back. "Y-you look nice today- do you.. uhh.. want to hang out s-sometime? Like.. date?- haha-.." He seemed confident at the start, and now he seemed pretty nervous. You let out a small snicker, laughing at him as you spoke. "You REALLY think I would love you!? We literally just met! That's so.. stupid!" You mocked, pointing and laughing at him as you held the bouquet in the other hand, crushing the flowers with the plastic below your hands.

His face drops immediately, the wifi symbol on his hat shrinking as the red light in the symbol slowly dims to a dark crimson red. His screen flickers, taking a step back as he clears his throat to make something up. He shouts, electricity shooting from his hands as he angrily glares at you. "Well- fine!! I don't need you- I don't need-.. I-.. FUCK YOU!!" Vox shouts once again, his screen glitching out as he stomps his foot, dissapearing into electricity. Something flies out his pocket in the process, though. It was a letter.

You snicker, picking up the letter as you close the door, looking at the others. They stared at you with suprised expressions. "..damn, [Reader] little harsh, don't you thin-" Angel says before getting interrupted. "Darling, great job. That noisy picture box of a man was awfully annoying." He says, his smile widening. You rolled your eyes at Angel's words, "Whatever," you say. "He's pretty pathetic. Did you see that look on his face? And.. these flowers? Unoriginal!" You scoffed, walking back towards your hotel room.

Closing the door behind you, you felt the urge to throw away the flowers, but instead, you had just set them down onto your nightstand. Sitting down onto your bed, you take out the letter. You look down at it, quickly bursting into laughter. You already knew it was probably going to be some cheesy love letter. Why bother reading it? You opened up a drawer in your dresser, tossing the letter inside as you laughed. "Pathetic, honestly." You muttered, sitting down on your bed.

You look towards your nightstand again, noticing the flowers once more. Your expression softens. He probably took a long time picking out the bouquet. It obviously wasn't one that you could just buy at a hellmart or some online store. It looked.. customized, like he picked out each individual flower. It wasn't all one flower, and it definitely had a nice color scheme. Maybe you judged him too quickly, shit.

(I deadass forgot this was enemies to lovers and just wanted to make an angry Vox, anyway, hope you enjoyed this one 😭)

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