Hotels Hatred

192 4 15

(Ruh roh chat!!)

After having a surprisingly successful first genuine date, you went home with your very adorable handstitched teddy bear. You set it upon your dresser, facing your bed. What an amazing idea.

The date lasted a few hours, and Vox made some genuinely good food. It was a long, long day for you. You flop down on your bed, sighing. It was about.. 8 pm. So the date lasted almost 5 hours. Wow.

You decide to show the others the bear, grabbing it off your dresser and running downstairs to show them. Their reactions were.. not what you were expecting. Charlie was ecstatic for you, as she always would. Husker and Angel gave a slightly annoyed glance at the plush. A small hole was in the bears stomach, and there was a small slit in its back, how convenient. You didn’t think much of it, but the two of them did.

Husker begins with a blunt statement. "There's a camera inside of there, I just know it." He says, pointing towards the camera. Your smile faintly falters, and you reassure him that Vox would do nothing of the sort. However, Angel only agrees. "Yeah, toots, he's definitely trying to spy on you with that thing." (Idc if you're a man in this he calls you toots.)

Now you're starting to get a little mad, Vox would never. How could they think that? You once again reassured them that Vox wouldn't do that. Now the others are joining in, agreeing that he's definitely trying to do something with that bear, even Charlie agrees after a while! What the hell! Well, Niffty or Alastor didn’t care, but that doesn't matter. The problem was that everyone else was starting to not approve of the relationship you actually liked being in!

You clench the bear in your hands, your nails/claws digging into it. You scowled, your face wrenching into a disgusted and furious frown. You shout at them about how they couldn't say anything because they all just have shitty trust issues, anger coating your voice. You were pissed, how could they say that about YOUR boyfriend!?

The others gasp, Husker brows furrow, and Vaggie scowls. Charlie wants to cry, Angel is annoyed now, and Sir pentious is absolutely baffled. Alastor just raises a brow, and Niffty wasn't listening. You run back upstairs and towards your hotel room, roughly setting the bear onto your dresser as you curled up on your bed. What was their problem? They didn't have any say on YOUR relationship!

You took out your phone, texting Vox about the matter. He responds in an instant with "Don't worry, love, I would never do that. They are just trying to make you hate me." After that, he sends another message. "Say, how about when you have the time, you move out of that silly hotel and come live at the Vee tower with me, Val, and Velvette? Wouldn't that be nice?" You perk up at this, eyes slightly widening as you thought about it. You could definitely do that..

Quickly, you began typing on your phone, "I can do it rn, I just need 2 find my suitcase :/" is all you typed. You sent the message, and Vox sends a reply. "Gr8! We can do it then! Your htl room has wndoes, rogjt?" You can tell he's pretty giddy from this, just by the way he typed it, the many misspelled words and acronyms show how happy he was. You send a thumbs up emoji back, him replying with "LEFS FUCKIGNFN GKO!!!!" It was only after a few seconds of you sending the emoji.

Now, all you have to do is make sure you aren't caught by the others while trying to get out.




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