"Maybe we can start anew?"

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After a few minutes, you reach the tower. Took a while, sure, but at least you can deliver the proper apology gift. You sigh, holding the giant bundle of flowers in your hands as you knock on the door. It was about 3 knocks. Hopefully, it was Vox answering.. and not Valentino or Velvette.

After waiting about 2 minutes, someone opens the door. Of course, the man himself, Vox, all in his teary-eyed glory. He looks at you with an angry yet sad frown. "What do you want?" Vox hisses, his grip tightening on the door knob as he plans to slam the door in your face. His eyes narrow as he scans you up and down, his gaze quickly settling on the flowers.

Now remembering why you came, you just.. shove the flowers into his face, aggressively shaking them in front of his screen. Vox takes the flowers, a small smile on his face.
"Are these for me..?" He grins, his shiny blue teeth enlightening his screen. That was definitely adorable, even for a powerful overlord. You only nod, tilting your head to the side. Vox's smile widens even more, "Well, this.. definitely changes things.." Vox laughs nervously, his grip tightening on the flowers as he stares at each and every one, almost like he was getting lost in the arrangement.

"..Maybe we can start anew?"

Did he really just say that? Your smile only widens, nodding your head aggressively. Vox takes your hands in his, quickly pulling you close and hugging you. He definitely seems happy now. "Oh, lovely, lovely!!" He says, smiling.

Hopefully, this time, this will go well.

[[AAAAAHHH IM SORRY THAT THIS IS SO SHORT 😭 I didn't know what to write, and I kinda forgot how to write a detailed chapter!!]]

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