Bearly Believable

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After receiving that text from Vox saying that you could stay at the Vee tower, you immediately got into action to pack your bags-- but wait.. what would the others say? What if they WERE right about Vox spying on you through the bear? Maybe you should wait.. Or maybe you should just go anyway? You were stumped for a few seconds, but eventually, you came to a conclusion to wait until next week, just for a safe measure of the bear.

You hesitantly pick up your phone, sending a text saying that you should wait till next week, cause the others are going.. camping? It was the best excuse you could think of, and of course, it didn't take long for Vox to respond to that message. Though, his words were a little more.. dry? He didn't use caps. He had proper grammar and spelling, he seemed.. disappointed. He responds with a "Oh, okay. We can try next week, then." It kinda.. worried you?? Your expression softened. You glanced towards the bear. After all, it was basically the closest thing of Vox you could get. You reluctantly hugged the bear closely to yourself, sighing as your eyes fluttered shut. You really wanted to see Vox, but you couldn't just.. leave the hotel. After all, what were you gonna do when you reach the Vee tower? Just expect them to suddenly like you?

I mean.. Velvette might like you a bit if she even likes your style. And Val is just.. Val. After a few seconds of hugging the bear, you opened your eyes, a soft smile creeping onto your face. You place the bear back on your vanity, patting its head like it was a pet of your own. You go to lay down on your bed. You needed a plan, a plan to make sure that there is no genuine camera inside that bear. But what could you do? Could you just stare at it? Put something down that was valuable and see if it moves or it goes missing? You needed something stable and good. Think [Reader] think!!

After a while, you came to the conclusion that for a week straight, you would keep an eye on the bear to see any strange movements or odd sounds. It was a good plan, if there even was a camera in there. You sigh to yourself, eyeing the bear silently.  You didn't really want to miss out on hanging out with Vox, but you NEEDED to make sure. Sitting down on your bed, you fidgeted your thumbs in small circles to try and pass the time. You couldn't go downstairs and talk to the others. They were surely angry at you, and you couldn't really blame them. Since you couldn't do anything, you just patted the sides of your bed, bounced your foot up and down, tapped your shoe against the ground, or rocked your body back and forth.

Not even a minute later, you laid completely on your bed, picking up your phone and scrolling through what was on the news. Stuff about Angel Dust getting some new gigs.. stuff about Charlie and how people think the hotel was a doomed to fail plan from the start.. nothing very interesting. God, all this thinking has gotten you awfully tired. Maybe some sleep could help? Yeah, definitely. You didn't take long to set up to go to sleep. You usually slept at 10:30, but who cares? It's not like anyone's gonna sneak into your room, right? You stuff yourself under the covers and blankets on your bed, shutting off the lamp as your eyes gently fluttered shut. You drifted off to a nice and hopefully long and NORMAL sleep.

Unfortunately, you jinxed yourself. You woke up at maybe 1-2 A.M. to some rustling near your windowsill, what damn animal was it that tried breaking into your hotel room this time? You groaned lightly, rubbing your eyes as you groggily looked at the slightly tinted window with half lidded eyes. The person you least expected, yet should've expected, was fiddling with your shitty but working window locks. Vox, your boyfriend, but carrying a small black bag. Now, what should've seemed like a major red flag just made you curious. Why was he breaking into your hotel room at this time, why this time, and if anything, WHY?? You get off your bed, standing up as you rubbed your eyes once again. You walk towards the window and open it, only to see Vox's face twist from being focused to being shocked.

"I- I didn't realize you were awake..!" He stuttered out, almost falling off the very unsafe ladder. Pinching the bridge of your nose, you grabbed his arms and pulled him in. He lands on the ground with a small "hmph" and coughs, the items in the bag he was wearing falling out and scattering across the ground. Cameras, small machinery, basically a bunch of VoxTek items, including.. a small pink vial. Not even bothering to help him up and off the ground, you eye the items in the bag, then back at him. You cross your arms with a sharp glare in your eyes before speaking. "Explain."

Vox scrambles to shove all the scattered items back into the bag, panicking as he stutters a response. "I-I just wanted to see you, my love. What else could I have been doing?" His screen dims lightly, trying to adjust to the dark room. So much for waiting for a week to see if he was spying on you with that bear. There was enough proof that he was a bad person! Forget the plan. You needed an honest answer to why he was there. Once he wasn't on his stomach anymore, you placed your foot onto his chest, pinning him down as you spoke in a stern tone. "I want a truthful answer, Explain." Vox's screen slightly pigments to a red before he speaks frantically in order to not get his ass kicked by his own lover. "Alright!!- I was going to surprise you with the new VoxTek items we had made! Since you are my partner, I thought I might as well give you some of the stuff to see if it's good enough to actually sell! I don't want a product to have no customers!-" He raised his hands up, praising for mercy as his screen glitched, as if he had downloaded a virus on his own head. ..That was it? No spying on you.. no hidden cameras in a shower head, a pillow, not even in a mirror!?- he just wanted to surprise you with gifts?

Well, fuck. Now, you just look like a total asshole and a toxic partner. You lowly take your foot off him, taking his hand and lifting him up. He sighs in relief, looking away from you nervously. He was shocked by being suddenly pulled into.. a hug? "I'm sorry for doubting you." You mutter, your hug tightening slightly as your words ached for forgiveness from him. Vox's breath catches in his throat, his screen getting brighter. It wasn't what he expected to happen, after all. He expected some yelling, fighting, maybe even a break up if it got too bad-- but no, it was the complete opposite. After a few moments of Vox hesitating, he hugs you back, sighing as his screen stops glitching. "It's okay, [Reader]. I'll always forgive you. I hope you know that." Vox mumbles, his claws slightly digging into your clothing as he tightens the hug on his own time. You couldn't help but smile at that, you were happy you had a caring and loving boyfriend. "..So, how about moving into the Vee tower..?"

1290 words



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