Beginning of a curse

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"Woohoo!!" Peter Parker shouted as he swung through the snowy city streets in his red and blue attire. It was Christmas, the best time of the year.

Or so Peter thought anyways, it was no secret that this was his favorite holiday. Besides, what's not to love, presents, spending time with family, having a blast eating Christmas cookies and watching outdated movies, it truly was the time of the year.

And best part is, around Christmas time, everyone in New York helped spread Christmas cheer. The city was less congested and messy. Everyone and everything seemed to be in perfect harmony with one another, struggles of life be damned.

Of course it wasn't all perfect, the snow was incredible slippery not to mention cold. So if you're a superhero jumping off buildings on a regular basis and wearing spandex during the coldest time of the year, then you could be at some serious risk. Lucky S.H.I.E.L.D had everything covered to make sure that hero's like Spider-Man were safe while saving the city.

As Spider-man continued to swing from building to building, he noticed an unwelcome familiar sight.

"Hey Shocker! Stealing during Christmas, what kind of monster are you?" The webbed hero mocked, landing on a street light as the infamous villain Herman Schultz a.k.a The Shocker just growled within his yellow and red suit. "You again!!" He exclaimed enraged. "Yep, and I gotta say Herman, stealing toys from kids is how you get on Santa's naughty list!" Spider-man continued to quip.

"What kind of amateur do you think I am? I just robbed a bank!" The shocker shouted, growling under his mask. "Well now that I have a confession, I would to plead the fifth your honor." The red and blue hero joked as Shocker finally had enough and dropped the bags of cash.

"Alright bug boy, you asked for it!" The villain said as he powered up his weaponized mechanical gauntlets. "Oh boy." Thought the hero as Shocker sent out a blast of energy that destroyed the street light. Luckily Spider-Man jumped out of the way just in time and landed right behind shocker. The supervillain spun around and fired another blast right at him.
The webb headed hero back flipped out of the way and fired with an attack of his own.

"Hey Herman, get shocked!!!" Spidey exclaimed as he fired two lines his electric webs that hit Herman straight in the chest. Shocker let out a yell of pain before sinking to the floor on one knee, clutching his chest as if it were on fire.
He looked up and the last thing he saw before getting knocked out was Spider-man's fist flying towards his face.

Once incapacitated, Spider-man webbed up Shocker and called S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Hey Fury, how about picking up some holiday cheer by dropping off old Shocker at a maximum security prison?"Spider-man said into the communicator on his wrist. "Spider-man! Return back to the triskelion immediately, you're late!" Nick fury exclaimed through the wrist watch. "Aw come on fury! Don't get your eye patch in a twist, especially considering how I rocked this one!" Spider-man pumping his fist in the air.

Fury just sighed into the commutator and hung up.

"Oh man, I completely forget I had training today with my old team. Isn't it weird how I'm teaching entire groups of new hero's now, yet I still have to do basic training?" Spidey mused to himself before swinging off. Little did he know the hooded figure watching him from the shadows.

"Finally, I will have my revenge for my humiliating defeat against that cursed wall crawler. For my name isn't....Mephisto!!!!" The red figure shouted, but quickly turned, flapping his black cloak in the air, and slinked back into the shadows unseen by the public.

After a while of swinging through the city, Spider-man eventually landed on the roof of the triskelion where one agent Phil Coulson was waiting for him. "Nice of you to finally join us Spider-man." He said with a smirk. "Coulson, shouldn't you be off somewhere grading papers." Spider-man shot back. "I'm the principal of midtown high, it's not my job to grade students papers." He replied. "Your team's waiting for you in the training room. Don't be late." He said before walking off.

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