Hunting a demon

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"What did you do!?" Doctor Strange shouted at Peter. The wall crawler looked confused. "I thought I was saving you, what even was that thing anyways?" He said as Doctor Strange, or Steven as his close friends called him, just pinched the bridge of his nose. "I almost had him until you distracted me. That was a dangerous demon called an Oni that I could have trapped just now." The man said as Spidey scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "Sorry about that, so that would explain the portal?" The web head asked as the magical Doctor just sighed and nodded.

"What I what to know is how the hell did break through the barrier I put in place surrounding the house, or kick down the doors that I magically locked? Not even someone as strong as the hulk could have entered much less you?" Steven stated as Spidey looked a bit hurt at that.

"Okay, first of all ouch. Secondly I think that's why I'm here in the first place. Something happened to me doc, last night I did things. Things I'm going to do again." Spider-man said. He watched as Strange's face contorted to one of deep thought until he put the pieces together. He looked at Spider-man shocked. "Y-you, you're the one responsible for the deaths last night. I thought that was the Oni." Strange said in disbelief staring at Spider-man wide eyed.

"Well it wasn't and I need a cure for this doc. Fast." The web head replied as Doctor Strange began looking through his library. "I take it since last night was a full moon that you're a werewolf?" He asked the red and blue colored hero.
Spider-man nodded.

"Do you remember how you were cursed. Were you bitten or born?" The cloaked Doctor said as Spider-man shook his head hastily. "I don't remember being bitten, and I definitely am not part of some werewolf blood line." The spider themed hero replied. "So then you must have been cursed with magic." Strange said turning back to the hero in front of him.

"Yeah, I think so." Spider-man said as Doctor strange walked back towards him. "I'll stay here and do some research on how you contracted this curse. In the meantime I need you to find that Oni before it tries to tear apart this city, seeing as the defenses I placed around the house have been breached by a....spider." Steven glared at Spider-man as he once again apologized for releasing a demon....accidentally of course.

"Here, it's a magical stone that will open a portal to the realm where that particular Oni was banished. Think about a portal and where you want it to be located and then it'll happen." Strange said handing Peter a purple stone that he summoned out of thin air. "I suggest you hurry. The moon is rising and you know what that means for a werewolf." Doctor strange said as Spider-man nodded.

"Sure thing Doc, I'll have that horned menace back where it came from in two shakes of a glass....wait, is that even a saying? Ah whatever." The wall crawler asked before rushing out of the mansion and beginning his search for the Oni.

"Best of luck to you Spider-man." Strange said before turning back to his books.

Spider-man the found himself running on top of the buildings of New York. He ran as fast as he could, but there was no sight of the Oni anywhere.

"Try using your werewolf senses to look for him." He heard a voice say in his mind. "Doctor strange, what are you doing in my head?" Peter asked, confused, startled, and a little creeped out. "I can connect to the minds of others Spider-man, but that's not what we should be focusing on. You're a werewolf, and the full moon is when you'll be at your strongest. Use your new found powers before you lose control of yourself." Steven responded as Peter just stood there in confusion.

"Um, I don't really know how." The wall crawler responded and he could have swore he heard Doctor Strange sigh in his mind. "Take a deep breath, focus on the certain smells of your surroundings. Whether it be hot dogs or a stray cat, you should be able to take it all in." The Sorcerer said as Peter just closed his eyes underneath his mask and let out a breath before taking in a large inhale through his nose.

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