Getting help from a doctor

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Sam finally looked up from the Nintendo in his hands and acknowledged Peter's presence coming down the stairs. "Geez Parker, what took you so long to wake up? Here I thought you were a vampire or something." Sam said causing Peter to let out a low growl under his breath. He didn't really appreciate being compared to a vampire, maybe that was a new thing about being a werewolf.

Choosing to brush off his comment he walked into the kitchen where Ava was studying math and some science. Apparently she loved books and school work more than life itself, or having a life for that matter.

"Hey Ava, what are you working on?" Peter asked sitting next to her. She just shrugged and looked at her fearless team leader. "Just work, I need to catch up if I want to be ready for college." The latino said facing Peter. The boy just looked at her amazed. "So you're still interested in going to college, huh?" Peter asked her with a smirk. A realization dawned on his features, if she went to college, would she have time for S.H.I.E.L.D? And if she did go to college, where would she  be?

"Are you sure fury's gonna let go? You are a pretty big asset to S.H.I.E.L.D." He spoke, raising an eyebrow. "Parker, I'm not going to college right away. If I do go, I'll be going to one in the city so I'll be close by if anyone needs me." Ava said looking back at her work.

Peter felt glad she would be somewhere close by. But college was a big thing that required a lot of time, would she be ready for it? "Well, I'm glad you have it all figured out Ava." He said to his friend before walking towards the living room where the rest of the boys were.

"Peter wait!" She called out causing the brown haired boy to stop in his tracks before he left the room. "Yeah?" Peter asked, stopping by the frame of the kitchen entrance and turning his head to face her. Ava bit her lip as she desperately wanted to ask him what had happened to him the previous night....but she decided against it.

"Nothing...sorry." she said turning to look back at her science equations and math problems. Peter shrugged and left the room to chill in the living room with the boys.

Ava could tell it was a sensitive topic for him, she could almost sense it supernaturally. Either way she wouldn't be asking him about it anytime soon.

Peter walked back into the living room and started watching the football game with Luke, though he wasn't paying much attention to it. His thoughts raced in his mind about whether or not he should tell his team about the fact that he now was a supernatural creature, or if he should just turn himself in. Although, he doesn't remember inviting them over here. They have their own places at the triskelion.

"Hey Luke, i don't mean to be rude here so if you don't mind me asking, why are you guys here? I don't exactly remember inviting you." Peter asked his friend. Luke shared a quick glance with Danny who had opened one eye from his mediation.

The teen looked back towards his friend with a sheepish grin. "You were acting pretty strange last night, so Coulson called us in to watch you, just to make sure you were okay." Luke said scratching the back of his neck. "He figured that seeing your old team again would help put you at ease, so here we are." Peter gave a little bit of a smile at Luke's statement, he knew his team cared about him and that Coulson wouldn't have forced them to stay if they didn't want to.

"Where's aunt May?" He asked. "With Coulson, I think they're getting groceries." Luke responded.

"Thanks guys." Peter said. "Anytime." Luke responded with a smile. Danny too was smiling, although his eyes were still closed due to meditation. "Oh man, I should probably call aunt May and apologize. I'll be right back." Peter said getting up off the couch to get his phone which was upstairs in his room.

"Hey, make sure you ask her if she can bake some of her famous cookies!!" Sam called out after to him after completing a level on his game.

Once he reached his room, Peter opened the door and stepped inside. He found his phone on the night stand and grabbed it. Sitting down on his bed he dialed a number and began a conversation with his aunt May.

"Peter! Are you alright, is everything okay!?" His worried aunt asked in a bit of a panic. Peter let out a chuckle before responding. "Yes aunt May, everything's fine. I-I just wanted to say...that I'm sorry for how I acted. I don't know what came over me." The teenager replied, causing his aunt to smile on the other side of the phone at her nephew's apology.

"It's all right Peter, everybody gets angry and I'm sure you were dealing with a lot." May said in understanding.
"Thanks for being so chill May. Can you tell Coulson I'm sorry too?" Peter said scratching the back of his neck.
"Of course, we're out grocery shopping so I'll be sure to deliver the message." She said over the phone.
"That's great May, I'll let you get back to it." Peter said and they exchanged their goodbyes before hanging up.

Peter flopped down on his bed. It was another full moon tonight which somehow he knew. But what could he do? Werewolves aren't his specialty and despite tangling with the likes of vampires and witches before, this was a bit out of his element.

So maybe it's time he got help from a professional, or to put it more accurately, maybe it's time he got help from a doctor.

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