A strange event

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Peter swung through the city streets, swinging from building to building and parkouring off roofs, jumping from point A to point B with no effort. Usually he would work out a bit of a sweat, but he's not even tired yet. I guess it's just a perk of being a werewolf now. Donning his typical spider-man costume, he arrived at Doctor Strange's house. A big creepy mansion somewhere in New York, and home to the most powerful scorer in the world.

Landing in front of the house after a while of web swinging at speeds that even he wasn't used too, he found himself knocking on the bright red front door of the ginormous house that even dwarfed some buildings.
"I really hope Steven's home, he might be the only one who can help me with this." Spider-man said to himself.
The door opened by itself, leading to the inside of the house. All the lights inside the building were turned off and the place looked like it hadn't ever been cleaned, but despite the fact that Peter found this incredibly creepy, he still ventured inside in the hopes of being able to not shift into a monster every full moon.

He walked inside the building and the door slammed shut behind him.

Meanwhile with the rest of his team, White Tiger, Powerman, Iron Fist, and Nova were all seen running along the roof tops, except for Nova who flew above instead.

"Damnit, how did we lose him!" White Tiger said as the team took a minute to catch their breath. They had been following their team leader Spider-man ever since he left the Parker house hold. "Man, I knew he was always fast. But this is a whole other universe of fast." Powerman said while doubling over and taking in large breaths of oxygen.

"Ugh, Coulson asked us to watch him and we failed!! We still don't know what happened to him the first time he ran out and we don't even know where he is now, he could be hurt or kidnapped. Wait, what if he got kidnapped? That would explain everything, why he was acting so erratically, why he left and didn't come back, why I found him covered in blood." White Tiger ranted on and on as the rest of her team just watched as the feline hero's concern for their leader grew with every passing moment.

"Woah, easy Tiger. We don't know what happened to him. He could just be on patrol for all we know." Powerman said trying to calm her down. Although he wasn't the only one thinking it, why was she so concerned for Spider-man. Sure, he was family to them, all of them, but Ava wasn't one to put her emotions before her logic.

"You guys didn't see him. His whole suit was torn up and covered in blood. I-I've never seen him like that." She stammered.

"It's important to remember that Spider-man can take care of himself, and that he seemed fine this morning." Iron Fist said causing Powerman and Nova to nod in agreement. "Maybe you're right guys. The web-head, as goofy as he is, is definitely capable of handling himself." White tiger said, turning away from her team and walking towards the edge of the rooftop they were on. "But I will find out what happened to him, and when I do, I'm going to tear the person who hurt him apart." She growled in a dark and ominous tone. A deep rumble could be heard from her throat as the tiger side was starting to take over.

Iron Fist, Nova, and Powerman had to step back in fear that she would lash out in feral rage.

"Damn, do we have anything to stop her if she gets feral?" Powerman quietly asked the rest of his team. "I don't believe we do." Iron fist replied to his friend in a hushed tone.

Spider-man walked through the mansion of one Dr. Steven strange, or as the superhero name he goes by, Doctor strange.

The hallways were empty and dark with cobwebs all over the place. There was a lot of broken furniture and trashed paintings that littered the rooms and hallways. After hearing a crunch, Spider-man looked down and saw that he had stepped in some broken glass from a mirror that had recently been shattered. "Okay....officially creeped out." He said feeling the tension in the air.

The more Spidey walked through the house, the more he was realizing that this was all very recent, the broken furniture, the shattered mirror, the torn up painting. It had all happened not too long ago.

Suddenly the whole house started rumbling, and a fight could be heard from upstairs. Feeling a sense of urgency, he picked up his walk to a run and Bolted down the hallways. "Hold on Strange, I'm coming!" The wall crawler said as the house continued to shake.

Spider-man ran up the stairs and arrived at the second floor where he saw a bright purple light coming emanating from the the closed doors of one of the rooms to his left, the hallway was darkened with shadows so the light only seemed brighter then it would be.

Spider-man ran to the doors and tried to open them but to no avail, they were sealed tight. Spider-man banged against the doors as he heard struggling from inside. There were grunts and groans of pain, crashes of furniture and bright flashes of light like powerful magic was being used.

The spider-themed hero took a step back and tried to kick down the door, when it didn't work he tried again, then a third time. A strange feeling overcame Peter and unbeknownst to him his eyes started to glow a bright golden yellow to the point you could see them through his mask. One last time and using all his strength he kicked down the door. When he did, the door swung wide open and little specks of orange began to float around the wooden frame like they had been resting on the door and just now got knocked off.

From inside the room Spider-Man saw Doctor Strange fighting some kind of monster. It had coal black skin, long claws, and glowing red eyes with 3ft long devil horns above its head. What was really strange was that it wore a black cloak but no pants, mainly because it didn't even have legs. Where legs and kneecaps should have been, there was only dark grey smoke that came from its abdomen that made it look ghostly in appearance. It floated off the ground and flew around the room dodging magical blasts from the Sorcerer Supreme. Spidey noticed the two were fighting next to a purple portal that looked big enough to swallow an elephant.

Steven's eyes landed on Spider-man inside the room. His eyes widened in surprise and lost his focus for a spilt second.
"Spider-man!? What are yo-!?" Was all Doctor strange could say before the floating flying creature knocked him into a wall and rendered him unconscious.

The demon looked at Spider-Man and its red eyes went wide with terror. It let out a massive scream of despair and flew right past Spider-man, or more accurately through him, like a ghost.

The thing flew out of the room and shot down the halls before phasing through a wall and leaving the mansion entirely.

Doctor Strange came to his senses and looked around the room he was in. The portal he opened to trap the monster he was fighting had just closed and Spider-man stood standing awkwardly in the middle of the room trying to process what just happened.

Strange's eyes narrowed in anger and annoyance and he got up and walked towards Spider-man. "What did you do!" The man shouted as he looked at the wall crawler with fury.

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