Devil dogs

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Snow was still falling and Christmas was officially here, the time of joy and sharing, of cookies and milk, and of course who could forget the presents. Lots and lots of presents. But for reasons unknown to him, Peter was nowhere near feeling the joy of Christmas. He sat on the floor in his underwear, rolled up in his messy blankets, still in shock at his horrific dream.

He'd been close to death before, but this time was different. He wasn't just close to dying, he did die. As far as he was concerned, the monster caught up to him. He knew it was a dream, but he FELT the fangs of whatever was chasing him sink into his throat. It's claws ripping into his flesh. It's yellow golden eyes carrying nothing but darkness and evil.

Suddenly he was shocked out of his own head by loud noises that felt like they were going to explode in his head! If he listened close, it sounded He screamed in pain. The noise forced him on his back as he began squirming in agony, but as he bit down on his tongue, the noise subsided.

"Ow....." He groaned in pain. He tasted a metallic liquid in his mouth. He spit out a bit of blood on the floor as he tried to stand up but his legs were wobbly. Slowly he got to his feet, but then something happened that he really didn't feel like dealing with right now. Somehow he heard voices coming from the door way all the way downstairs.

"Ava!" Aunt May called out to his friends who now stood before his door step. May hugged Ava and then turned her attention to Luke, Danny, and Sam. "Boys, good to see you! You look thin. Come on in, I made cookies for everyone." She smiled wrapping them in a bear hug that even Luke felt despite his indestructible skin.

The group came in and immediately made themselves at home. The place was comfy, and just as they remembered it back when they were all still living in Aunt May's house. "Hey Ms Parker, do you know where Peter is?" Ava asked the happy old woman.

"Oh please, how long have we known each other? You can call me May." She replied. "As for Peter, he's been in his bedroom. My dear nephew must have been so tired from yesterday because he's been up there all morning." May said and Ava began walking up the stairs. "Thanks ms Park- I mean, May." The Latino said, planning on having a talk with Peter about what happened at the Triskelion yesterday. She didn't really know why, but she just wanted to see him.

"So May, where can I find the cookies?" Sam asked. "Indeed, it is important to fill our bodies with the magic that the holiday brings." Danny said causing Luke to chuckle. "Dude, do you ever talk like a normal person?" He asked and Danny just shrugged with a smirk.

"Oh crap, oh crap! I have to get out here, I can't deal with this today." Peter panicked as he threw on a white t-shirt, a black hoodie jacket that he zipped up and some grey sweat pants. He also put on his socks and shoes and jumped out the window of his bedroom and bolted down the street. "Wait a minute. How did I do that so fast?" Peter mused to himself. "Whatever, I just need to get out of here and as far away as possible." He said before picking up the pace.

Ava walked into Peter's bedroom, only to be greeted by an empty space littered with messy sheets. She noticed an open widow and groaned in annoyance. "What does Parker think he's going to get out of patrol on Christmas of all days?" Ava said to herself closing the window before going back downstairs to tell May that Peter left and is probably off doing Spider-man things.

As Peter ran down the street he felt a sense of joy, of freedom that he'd never felt before. But after a while of just running mindlessly, he realized that he had been going faster than he ever believed he could. He was fast already with his spider like abilities and reflexes. But this was different, cars and stop signs were blurs as his legs propelled him forward. This wasn't enhanced superhuman speed, oh no, this was true super speed. He must have been going at 300 or 400 miles an hour, and he wasn't even breaking a sweat.

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