Breakfast in bed

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Peter woke up with a jolt and found himself  in bed, with a blanket covering his lap.

He was still in his broken and ripped suit that was covered with blood. He was covered with blood. He sat up slowly and pulled the covers off his body and started walking towards his shower. He remembered everything that had happened, he became a monster. He killed people, meaning he was no better than the super villains he usually fought as Spider-man.

He took off his clothes and stepped into the shower, rinsing off the blood that covered him. After he cleaned himself off, he stared at himself in front of the mirror. He was shot multiple times that night, but the bullets never killed him. He would have at least thought there would be wounds but no, no damage was done. Either that he is now invulnerable or that his healing factor is now stronger than it ever was.....thanks to being a newfound werewolf.

But then a question shot into Peter's mind like a bullet. HOW did he become a werewolf? Was he cursed by a witch? He wasn't bitten, maybe he inherited it? Or maybe....

Peter found himself scouring his room looking for the book he got from the library. "Ugh, where is it, where is it?!" He groaned searching every inch of his room. He looked underneath his bed and found it tucked away in the shadows, which was weird because he never remembered putting it underneath his bed. He reached down and grabbed it from its hiding spot and sat down on his bed ready to read.

He opened the book and the more he read, the more he found himself going back to the amulet of Lycaon. The wolf shaped amulet burned into his mind, but he didn't know why. He remembered that the amulet can turn people into werewolves, meaning magic. Maybe he can ask doctors strange about it.

"Weird, why does my mind keep going back to that amulet? I know what it does, but I've never even seen it before. Isn't that a just a little strange?" Peter said, facing the reader. Just then he heard footsteps climbing the stairs and approaching his room. "Oh boy." Peter grunted and very quickly hid the book back underneath his bed.

Jumping on the bed and getting back underneath the covers, he tried to make it look like he was still sleeping.

However, when a familiar scent sweeps in through the room, Peter can't help but find it amazing. It smelled like....vanilla.

Ava walked into Peter's room carrying a tray of food containing freshly made pancakes, some sausage, and a glass of orange juice, but when she walked into his room, she found him wrapped underneath the covers. "Huh, weird. I could have swore I heard him showering in the bathroom a minute ago?" She thought in her mind. She couldn't help but be a little disappointed that he was still asleep. But over all she understood, in the shape he had been in last night, she would be tired too.

Peter smelling the food from underneath the covers peaked his head out of the blankets like a groundhog and turned his head to look at Ava, standing there in the doorway with a tray of food while the light from the windows hit her just right making her look like a saint. For the very first time Peter noticed how amazing Ava looked, come to think of it, she looked amazing all the time, but right now especially.

Ava smiled at the way Peter looked underneath the covers, like a cute little animal coming out of its den.

"Hey there sleepy head. I got you some breakfast." She smiled at her team leader. "Wow, really? What's the occasion Tiger?" Peter grinned at his friend as he sat up in his bed. "No reason, I just thought I do something nice." Ava smiled at him and handed him the tray. "Ava Ayala making me breakfast in bed, something ain't right here." The young boy thought before digging in to the delicious food.

After taking a few bites of his pancakes and practically inhaling his sausage, Peter took a few sips of his orange juice.
"Wow Ava, this was awesome!" He said to the young latina who sat on the side of his bed watching him enjoy his food. Food that she made for him and he enjoyed it, something that made her feel a bit warm inside. But something bit at her, something she wanted to ask.

"Hey Peter, can I asked you something?" She asked her friend who turned to look at her and gave her his full attention.

"Yeah, anything?" He replied. Ava looked down before meeting his eyes once more. She needed to be careful how she phrased this. "Do you....remember anything, from last night." She said and Peter's face darkened, flashes of the monster he transformed into burned into his mind. "Just that I was a jerk to Aunt May, and to Coulson. If you guys hadn't found me, I don't know what I would have done." He said clearly blaming himself for what happened.

"So you don't remember anything else?" She asked softly. Peter knew he couldn't tell her the truth, that he killed people, that on the light of a full moon he transformed, into a werewolf.

"No, sorry. I wish I did." Peter lied. Thinking it could maybe protect her from a dangerous truth. Ava gave a kind smile and stood up. "If you remember anything. You can talk to me, to any of us. We got your back web head." The Latina woman joked with a smirk. "Thanks Ava, you're awesome." Peter smiled back, causing Ava's cheeks to flush red.
"Yeah, sure. If you need anything don't be afraid to ask." She said before walking out of her leader's room.

"Wow, that was really something. Maybe I should eat the rest of the pancakes, I am pretty hungry." Peter said before devouring the rest of his breakfast and setting the stainless steel tray aside on his bed.

Reaching underneath his bed frame, Peter pulled out the book he had hidden. He opened the book and read more about the amulet. "It says here that a person can do a special chant while wielding the amulet and that will turn the person they want to curse into a werewolf." Peter read as he thought in his mind, did one of his enemies curse him? If so, then who?

It definitely wasn't Mysterio, he's a good guy now. It wasn't dock Ock, he's under the watchful eye of Tony stark, a.k.a the invincible iron man. Maybe it he wouldn't work either. Who could it be?

A question that wasn't getting solved today. Peter hid his book back under his bed and walked down stairs to see his old team in the living room of the Parker household. "Hey, look who's up!" Luke shouted as he watched a football game on tv. Sam didn't even bother to look at him as he was too focused on his game sating on the floor next to couch. Danny also sat on the floor, but he was surrounded by candles due to the fact that he was meditating. "Hello there friend, I trust you slept well?" The blonde haired boy asked opening one eye from his meditation.

"Uh, yeah actually, thanks." Peter said to which Danny smiled. "Sleep is the answer to peace and focus, one must rest before one begins where his journey left off." Danny said before going back to his meditation. Luke just chuckled and shook his head amused.

Peter noticed Ava sitting in the kitchen doing some math problems and reading some science books.
"Geez, that girl never takes a break." Peter thought amused.


Well folks, that's all the time we have for today. This following ad is brought to you No one is sponsoring this story. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see ya in the next one.

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