First full moon, last night to live

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Hey guys, sorry if this story isn't very good, but this chapter's going to be a long one, so yeah, regardless I hope you enjoy it.


"What the hell was I thinking? Coulson didn't deserve that, and neither did May!" Peter thought as he swung through the city. "I should, I mean yes! But....not now, not just yet." He muttered to himself as he landed on a building. Peter let out a sigh, but little did he know of the danger that approached. It was almost midnight and soon, the fight of his life would come, and the beast would awaken.

But right now he was cold, not just cold, freezing. He left his commutator back home, which was fine because he didn't feel like talking to anyone. Not that they cared anyways.

Peter looked up and stared at the moon. God it was beautiful, more beautiful than he's ever seen before. Was the moon always this pretty to look at? Anyways, it was almost midnight, when the full moon would be at its peak. After a while of just standing there, Spider-man had to force himself to stop staring at the moon. It was getting a little creepy the way he was eyeing it, and this from a guy who can stick to walls.

He swung off into the darkness of the cold, snowy city of New York until he found a place to just relax for a bit. He sat
on top of a gargoyle that rested on a tall brick building overlooking most of Queens. The stone statue had a large shadow looming over it due to the rest building towering over its position on the structure.

"Hmm, subtle, hidden, and out of sight. It's perfect." The wall crawler said sitting down and letting himself be consumed by the shadows. He once again found himself staring at the marvelous beauty that was the moon. He's stared at it before, but this time felt different, almost like, a kinship. In a strange way it reminded him of Ava, or as she's more commonly known as when it comes to S.H.I.E.L.D, the white tiger.

The white hue of the moon reminded the wall crawler of Ava's white suit fashioned to represent that of a tiger.
It actually looked pretty good, the black stripes complicating the white fabric, the pointy ears on top of the face mask, the yellow eyes, and the green amulet tying it all together.

Spider-man looked at the moon one last time, it was almost midnight. One more minute, and everything would go to hell.

As Spider-man continued to look at the moon, he suddenly felt hot. He sweating profusely, and it the heat just got worse. "Is it hot out here or is it just me? Actually it's very hot....aahhhh!!" The wall crawler screamed in pain. His body felt like it just got lit on fire. Like lava was coursing through his veins and not blood. And then he was hit with the biggest headache of his life. He felt as if his skull would spilt open. Then his bones started to snap and break. His fingers, his ribs, even his spine and legs. He felt his muscles tear and rip open. He felt as they reformed inside his body. His bones extended and transformed shape as they snapped back into place.

He felt something pierce his finger tips, claws? No, long and sharp talons that look as if they could cut through metal.
His teeth started to elongate inside his mouth and underneath his mask as his skull twisted and reformed into a long canine like snout. His body grew bigger and as he grew, his costume ripped and shredded. Fur grew on top of his skin as his whole body became covered with light brown fur that gleamed in the moonlight.

Letting out one final scream of pain that transformed into a mighty roar that echoed throughout the whole of New York City, the friendly neighborhood wall crawler Spider-man was gone, replaced by the beast.

At the triskelion, white tiger was working on a S.H.I.E.L.D exam to give to some of the new students when she felt something strange in the air. Her amulet glowed a bright green and she felt like she needed to be somewhere, or find something. "Weird." She muttered before going back to her work.

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