No cure

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Peter Parker woke up in a S.H.I.E.L.D medical room at the Triskelion. Opening his eyes slowly, he found his upper body covered in bandages and wraps. He was wearing some casual S.H.I.E.L.D sweat pants but with no shirt covering his chest or abdomen, but his bandages did a pretty good job at that. Sitting up with a groan, he looked around the metal room and found his team standing there with some disapproving looks on their faces.

"Uh, hey guys, catch the game last night?" Peter asked sheepishly. The group had their masks off and Peter could see that they were more worried than angry, but still pretty pissed. "Oh boy." He thought.

Ava marched up to him and slugged him in the shoulder, earning a wince of pain for the web head. "You need to get your crap together." She said as she left the room, although taking in her scent briefly thanks to his newfound werewolf nature, Peter thought she smell sad, but also relieved. Maybe about the fact that he got hurt and was fine now? Who knows. "How long was I out?" Peter asked. "Almost an entire day." Danny answered honestly.

"So where were you? Sam had to dive straight into the Hudson River to save your sorry butt." Luke stated. "Yeah, which by the way was freezing." Sam replied with a smirk. Peter thought about how to tell them what was going on with him, maybe he didn't have to tell them, not yet anyway. "I was helping doctor strange out something that I maybe kind of messed up in the first place." He said simply, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Not surprising, you screw everything up-Ow, hey!!" Sam said as Danny retorted with an elbow to the side before he could finish completely.

"So you were helping Doctor Strange out with something, which lead to the destruction of an entire warehouse?" Luke asked trying to get the facts straight. "Uhh, yeah pretty much." Was all the web head replied with. "So are you gonna tell us what it was or are we supposed to cover for you blind?" Retorted Luke who crossed his arms expectingly. Danny and Sam stood by his side, Danny with his hands on his hips and Sam's arms crossed just like Luke's.

"Honestly, you might be better off if I didn't tell you. Besides, I have to talk with Doctor Strange again anyways." Peter said before standing up with a groan. "Alright man, suit yourself. Just know Fury wants to see you upstairs." Luke said, pointing to the exit of the med bay with his thumb.

"Thanks Luke, you too Danny.'re ok." The wall crawler stated before the room. "Are you kidding me right now!! I was the one who saved your sorry BUTT!!" Sam exclaimed dramatically, causing Luke and Danny to start laughing at his need for drama and validation.

Walking down the metal corridors and headed to the office of Nick Fury, Spider-man couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. Would he have to tell Fury what he did? What kind of monster he's become. No, it can't come to that. Nobody can know, although Strange knows, and he's going to help fix this. Maybe if he looked at the book Peter found at the library it could help? Maybe. Getting lost in his thoughts Spider-man once again found himself not watching where he was going and bumped into somebody. A familiar feline friend and teammate.

Catching White Tiger by her arm before she fell over, Spider-man let out an awkward chuckle. "We really got to stop meeting like this kitty." He laughed. Ava blushed underneath her mask at the nickname but still let out a light growl.
"Don't call me that." She said firmly as she got pulled back on her feet. "Thanks for catching me though." She said softly, causing Spider-man to smile gently. "Always, that's what teammates are for, right?" He responded.

"Yeah, teammates." Tiger spoke in a soft quiet tone that was so unlike her. Peter could smell the emotions from her. It smelled something like conflict, maybe unsureness, but what would she have to be unsure about?

"Hey, listen. Sam found you in the river with your suit torn...again. If you don't want to talk about what's happening to you then that's fine, but you need to come up with something because Fury's going to have questions on why you covered in blood a couple nights ago and why you seemed to be involved with explosion at the docks last night." She stated to the wall crawler who felt bad not being able to tell her, but he knew she would think differently of him. She would think of him as a monster, and rightfully so.

Ultimate spider-man: a wolf's tigressWhere stories live. Discover now