A shadow casted

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Peter woke up to the sound of his alarm going off. With a yawn he got out of bed, ready to begin his day feeling great and energized. Usually he wasn't a morning person, but today felt different for a strange reason. Like he just had the best sleep of his life.

"Whoo boy am I feeling great. I feel like I just woke up from the best sleep of my life!" Peter mused to himself as he got dressed and ready for the day ahead. Because today, he was doing the most important thing ever....going grocery shopping with....Aunt May!

As Peter jogged down the stairs, he was greeted by the warm smell of pancakes and the sight of his lovely Aunt May making pancakes. "Morning May, that wouldn't happen to be pancakes I smell now would it?" Peter smirked with a smile, now standing next to his Aunt May in the kitchen. "Why nothing gets past those keen teenage senses of yours now do they nephew?" May quipped to her nephew with a sly grin.

"So, for afternoon grocery shopping today, what are we getting? More eggs, some apple juice, maybe some more milk?" The young teenager questioned his aunt.  "Oh that's right, Coulson already took care of everything earlier this morning." May said with a big smile plastered on her face. "Coulson!?" Peter exclaimed questioningly.

"That's right, I figured it would help clear your schedule a bit since you're needed at the Triskelion to put in some training with the web warriors that would take up most of today. Plus it was no trouble really." Phil Coulson said standing up from his spot in the living room. "Coulson!" Peter exclaimed once again in surprise at the man's sudden appearance.

"Thank you Coulson, your help is always appreciated here in the Parker house." May said giving Coulson a smile and going back to cooking. Coulson blushed and scratched the back of his head. "Like I said, it was nothing really." The man said happily, returning the smile May gave him.

"Well Mr. Parker, better get ready. You have a long day today." The man said to Peter with a grin. Peter stared the man dead in the eye and let out a soft growl from his throat before walking back upstairs with a grumble, mumbling to himself.

At S.H.I.E.L.D Peter was walking to the training room, still not happening about everything that's happened.
When he entered the training room, he was greeted by the familiar signet of the web warroirs, consisting of Iron Spider, a.k.a Amadeus Cho, Scarlet Spider, a.k.a Ben Riley, Agent Venom, a.k.a Flash Thompson, Kid Arachnid, a.k.a miles morales, and lastly Spider-woman, a.k.a Mary Jane Waston.

"Whoo!! Spider-man's in the house!" Flash shouted, it's no secret he has a bit of hero worship when it comes to Spider-man. "Alright team, settle down. You guys ready to kick some serious butt." Spider-man asked. "Always!" MJ replied, feeling pumped for today's training. "Based on statistics of how well we work together, I say we have 98% chance of completing today's course with no trouble." Iron Spider said. "Whatever, as long as I'm punching stuff, I'm in!" Scarlet Spider responded.

After training and getting a workout in, Spider-man walked the halls of the Triskelion and started thinking to himself.
"I was in there for a good serval hours, yet I didn't break a sweat. Weird." The wall crawler mused to himself, thinking about the events during the days training. Everyone did alright, but somehow Spider-man managed to out do all of them without even trying all that much, in fact Miles was probably the only one who came even close to keeping up with him. As he continued his walk, he didn't see where he was going and bumped into a familiar feline hero.

White Tiger ended up tripping over herself after bumping into him and started to fall backwards. Luckily Spider-man caught her by wrapping one arm around her waist. The two looked like dance partners in which one of them was dipping the other.

"Woah there, sorry about that tiger!" Spider-man said sheepishly. White tiger was too much in shock at the position the two were in to really respond to what he said at first. Feeling the heat rise to her cheeks, she felt ever more grateful for the mask covering her face. "Here, let me help you." The wall crawler said helping her get back on her feet. Once she was standing on her own two feet again, White tiger slugged Spider-man in the shoulder.

"Maybe watch where you're going next time doofus." White tiger said annoyed. "Sorry about that Ava. I really didn't mean to bump into you." He apologized, rubbing his shoulder in slight pain. Taking his apology to heart, white tiger smiled a bit under her mask. "Don't worry about it Parker, just be more careful next time." She responded with a gentle tone.

As she was about to walk off Spider-man caught a sent of something, some kind of smell coming from the tiger themed hero. Perfume maybe, it smelled like...vanilla. "Hey Ava!" He said catching her attention. She turned around to look at him. "Did you need something?" She asked. "I was just going to say that I liked your perfume, it smells good." Spider-man said giving her a thumbs ups.

"Uh, I didn't put on perfume today." White Tiger responded confused. "Oh, uh...my bad, sorry." Spider-man apologized once again. White tiger just scoffed. "Boys are so weird." She muttered before walking off, leaving Spider-man scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Huh, weird. I could have swore she was wearing perfume. If that's how normally smells then how have I never noticed it?" Spider-man decided that the answer to that question was that in his more immature self, he never really paid all that much attention to women before.

Meanwhile with White tiger, she walking down the halls of the triskelion. "What was that about? First he bumped into me, then he practically swept me off me off my feet, and then he said he liked my perfume. I'm not even wearing perfume." She thought, her brain racing a million miles an hour trying to contemplate what happened, and the more she thought about Spider-man's strong arms around her waist the more she started to feel heat rising to her cheeks.

"Why am I thinking about this so much? I've never thought about him like this before." White tiger groaned into her hands, feeling for some reason unexplainably confused about that one encounter.

"It's just Parker, stupid, dumb, boyish Peter Parker. I'll ask him why he was acting so weird tomorrow, after all, it is Christmas at May's house." She told herself mentally, before deciding that some training would be a nice way to blow off steam. However, thanks to her being wrapped up in her own thoughts to notice, Ava failed to see that her White tiger
amulet was now glowing a bright green. Almost as if it sensed danger, almost as if it sensed the presence of another Apex predator, possibly even stronger than her.

That night, Peter had anything but a good sleep. He tossed and turned under the comfort of the blankets. Letting out growls and snarls as he tossed and flipped to one side or the other. In his dreams he was running from something, something big, and something very, very bad.

From what Peter could tell, it had light brown fur that gleamed in the moon light, yellow eyes and big, big teeth.
It ran at him on all fours and Peter could hear it closing in with every step he took. It was catching up to him, letting out howls and roars of hunger and rage, yet still Peter ran, and he kept running. Fearing that if he stopped for even a moment it would kill him.

Peter felt every bone in his body ache, he felt his energy reserve emptying and he felt the oxygen in his lungs leave his body like it was never there to begin with. Yet he still kept running. But it wasn't enough.

He woke up with a scream, sweat dripping down his forehead, eyes bloodshot from the tears that streaked his face.
He hoped he would never have another dream like that again. It felt so real, like a shadow casted over him.

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