Information & Disclaimer

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This story is set approximately one year after the events of Ocarina of Time, with one large difference from the ending of the game - Link never went back in time. In order to make the events you'll see unfold a little more believable, Link has been aged up - "Child Link" would have been 13, and "Adult Link" would have been 20. He is 21 in this story.

In this story, Dark is not Link's shadow or dark side, but rather a person that he meets during a new adventure - but don't worry, dear readers. He still retains some essence of the Dark Link you might know and love from similar works of fiction.

Certain chapters in this story contain trigger warnings. These warnings are in place for mentions of depression alongside certain thoughts and actions. There are additionally several instances of strong language throughout this story, so please read at your own risk.

This story will contain a total of 38 chapters, and is Part 1 of 2 in a series!


I do not own The Legend of Zelda, nor do I own any of its characters, settings, items, or storylines. Neither I nor this story is associated with Nintendo or any other official creators and distributors of The Legend of Zelda.

Though I will only be stating this disclaimer once, please know it applies to this story as a whole.

Fanfiction copyright @vortexia11 - All Rights Reserved. Please do not copy, post, or sell my work without my express permission.

The Edge Of Darkness (Link x Dark)Where stories live. Discover now