Chapter 9: No Place Like Home

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It had been seven days since Link's conversation with Zelda. During that time, Link kept himself occupied by assisting at the ranch, while Dark adjusted to life beyond the temple. As the days went by, the two grew more familiar with being in each other's company - yet Link could not bring himself to reveal their upcoming journey to the castle.

"Where are we going?" Dark grumbled, irritated by what had seemed like a last-minute decision to head back out into Hyrule. He knew that they couldn't stay at Lon Lon Ranch forever, but he would have preferred more of a warning that they were leaving.

"I need to pick up a few supplies," Link replied evasively.

"From where?" Dark tried again to ask where they were going. The landscape around Hyrule seemed unfamiliar to him, even though he knew he would have passed through here years ago. He could see two walled structures ahead; one of which resembled a castle. "From the castle?" he inquired.

Link froze momentarily, wondering if someone on the ranch had mentioned their trip to Dark. But that wouldn't be possible. Malon was the only one who knew about Zelda's request. "Why do you ask?" he countered. In response, Dark pointed to the drawbridge that was visible up ahead. It rested over a man-made moat, separating the structure it belonged to from the rest of the land.

To someone who wasn't familiar with Hyrule, it would be easy to mistake the city for a large castle. With its high walls and unique architecture, he had to admit it was severely misrepresented. As a child, Link had remembered being surprised when he had found people and buildings behind those walls, instead of marble floors and statues. But the path they were currently on, while winding down towards the drawbridge, would turn to a different bridge as soon as they got there, one that would lead them to the base of Kakariko Village.

"That's not the castle," Link told him. "That's just Castle Town. It's located beyond there, though. I could take you to see it, if you like." Things would be much easier for him if he had an excuse to take Dark there.

"Sure," Dark responded, shrugging his shoulders. It didn't really matter one way or another to him. Though his re-entry into the world felt like a release from prison in some ways, it also felt a bit like visiting a foreign land. He didn't know anything about Hyrule, so he needed to rely on Link.

"Actually..." Link paused for a moment as he thought. He really did need more supplies, and the longer he could postpone their arrival at the castle, the better. "I said I would take you home. And that's exactly what I'm going to do. You said it was close to Kakariko, right?"

"I...think so," Dark replied, not completely sure. He knew he had heard the name mentioned plenty of times during his childhood, but that wasn't any guarantee that it was particularly close.

"Well it's as good a place as any to start." They started walking again, Dark filled with fresh determination. Part of what had made him so reluctant to leave the temple was that as long as he was in there, it was like everything he had known was in a time capsule. Leaving the safety of the temple meant that there was a chance he would find out the places he had known would no longer exist. But here it was, proof that at least one place he was familiar with was still around. Maybe there was hope for him yet.


When they finally reached the top of the staircase, Dark stopped and stared in awe at the entryway to the village, flanked by guards on either side. Ever since Kakariko had been taken over by many of the old marketplace shops, they had requested extra security at the entrance. As always, the village was bustling with color, a mix of residential homes and businesses that were all family-owned and operated. It was always an impressive sight, and was even more impressive if you weren't expecting it.

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