Chapter 14: Whispers In The Dark

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"You have magic." They had been left sitting at the lake's edge now that Javo had returned to the water, the sky cycling through various shades of deep navy above them. "I thought you just carried magical items and single-use spells with you. But you have magic yourself."

"Yes," Link said quietly. "I don't use it much. But I do have it."

"Show me." It was a command, not a request, and Link stared at him in surprise.

"Dark, I don't think that would be a good -"

"Show me," he repeated, louder than last time. "I want to see what you can do."

With a deep breath, Link held out his hand. He focused his attention inwards, seeking out the power he carried in his veins and calling it forth to produce a ball of light. It hovered just above his hand, sparkling with a multitude of colors and lighting up the space between them. Nervously, he glanced up at Dark, to find him staring at the spell with a combination of awe and fear.

"All this time," he said slowly, transfixed by the light, "you've been lying to me." It hadn't been so much an outright lie as a simple omission of the truth. Once they had left the Temple of Light, there was no more need for Link to perform magic, and so the topic hadn't come up.

"I'm sorry." Link extinguished the ball of light by closing his hand. "I would have told you, I just..."

"Not just about that," Dark said scathingly. "You told me you weren't Light. But you are. You have light magic. You were able to get into the Temple of Light. And you -"

"Stop." Link reached over, taking hold of Dark's hand. The harder he tried to pull away, the tighter Link's grip got, and he finally just held still, glaring at their joined hands in anger. "I'm not your enemy. In fact, I would very much like to be your friend."

The admission was met with silence, and Link withdrew his hand, watching and waiting for the next outburst. "You could have used your magic, when we were in the temple. You could have lit up the whole place, and found your own way around. You never needed me." He gazed across at Link, his expression unreadable. "Why did you ask me to come with you?"

"Because it was time for you to stop being alone."

Dark considered this, staring at the ground with a look of intense concentration. Finally, he extended his arm towards Link and bent it upwards, like a raised handshake. Tentatively Link reached forward to take the offered hand, and Dark unfurled his fingers and spread them out while maintaining contact with Link's palm, motioning for him to do the same.

"Among my people, this is a ritual of friendship," Dark explained, gracing Link with a rare smile. "It's...been a long time since I had a friend." He retracted his hand, inspecting it carefully, and Link wondered if Dark could feel the same spike of electricity over his palm as he did at their touch. "So, friend," he said with a grin. "When's my first lesson? Magic lesson," he elaborated in response to Link's blank stare.

"I...suppose we could try now," Link murmured.

"I was only kidding," Dark said, looking suddenly alarmed. "I can't use magic!"

"That's kind of the point," Link told him, frowning slightly. "Your mother had magic. Did she ever talk to you about it?"

"I wouldn't know," Dark admitted. "I...don't remember her as well as I wish I did." Link could see the sadness in his eyes, and he gave him a moment to pull himself together.

"Then let's just...start simple," he suggested, speaking in what he hoped was a soothing tone. "Learn how to clear your mind, and focus your thoughts. Like this." He shifted into a cross-legged position, placing his hands palm-up on his knees.

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