Chapter 10: Legends Of The Hidden Temple

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It wasn't a very long walk from Kakariko Village to the castle, but Link seemed perfectly content to stroll along at the slowest pace possible. Dark followed a short distance behind him, trudging through the long grass in silence. Being back home had made him realize what a different person he was now. It was almost as if he had seen things through someone else's eyes - someone who had happy memories and lighter thoughts than he had experienced in a long time. And for a short while after he had caught sight of the village, he had actually been that person once again.

But now that he was away from his village and the memories it brought him, he felt the reality of everything come crashing down around him. His brother was gone, his home had been abandoned, and he was not even sure his parents were still alive. He couldn't help but want to crush that ignorant person who had so casually strolled inside his house and called out to his parents, who had fooled him into thinking that everything could go back to the way it was.

Without a better target, his rage finally settled on Link. His optimism only served to further Dark's denial. As they were leaving, he had turned around at the edge of the village, gazing at it with determination. The unexpected breeze had picked up his silky blond hair, throwing it backwards to reveal high cheekbones and perfectly pointed ears. And then, his lips cracked wide open into a smile. "I could help you restore it," he offered, his voice smooth and confident. "We could fix these homes, and rebuild the community. Together, you and I could make this a place of happiness again."

The worst part about it all was that part of him craved the help that Link offered; wanted to believe him when he said it was something they could accomplish together. For reasons he could not fathom he trusted Link, and somehow when he was by his side he felt like anything was possible. But hope had become an all-too-familiar feeling to him over the years, that and the crushing sensation when it was dashed. It was the last thing he needed right now.

"Are you ready to leave?" Link asked, gesturing to the gate ahead. He had taken his time walking back, stopping in one of the shops to buy potions, and leaving Kakariko, just to give Dark time to process the abandoned village that he had once called home.

Dark shot him an angry glare. "More ready than you, apparently." He spit out the words with disgust, increasing the pace of his steps and sweeping his arm sideways to push past Link. Everyone within sight of the pair stared as his arm solidly made contact with Link's chest. Their expressions betrayed their shock at the exchange, and Dark swore he could hear the stirrings of whispers around him.

"Hey!" The objection came from a large man wearing a blue vest, someone that looked vaguely familiar to Link though he couldn't quite place where he had seen him before. "You can't do that!" the man shouted at Dark's retreating form. In response, Dark made a rude hand gesture, not even looking back as he did so. Link clapped his hand to his face and groaned. Someone would have to tell Dark he couldn't do that if he wanted to be accepted by society, and that someone was going to have to be Link.

"It's okay..." Link said rather blankly, unable to remember the man's name.

"Jiro," the carpenter supplied helpfully, still glaring hatefully in Dark's direction. He remembered the man now; he was one of the carpenters he had rescued from the Gerudo.

"It's okay, Jiro," he said, glancing at Dark. "We're friends. He's just having a rough day."

Jiro nodded, his expression speaking volumes. "You just let me know if he gives you any trouble." He began to mutter angrily, then stopped as he realized he was still in front of Link. "I'll take care of him for you if he ever does!"

Link scolded himself as he mentally laughed at the thought. He was perfectly capable of taking care of himself - Jiro would have cowered at the sight of more than half the things he had to face. "I appreciate it," he said with a polite smile, taking a step backwards. Jiro looked to be occupied with his muttering once again, so he took the opportunity to slip away, sprinting after Dark.

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