Chapter 7: All Roads Lead To Hyrule

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Despite his resolve and determination, it was with much hesitation and uncertainty that Dark finally emerged from the temple. It was scary enough for him to put his faith into the hidden magic that had opened the door to the world outside once more. But in retrospect, that was the easy part. At least magic was somewhat familiar to him, as was the coarse gray stone that he stepped through. It was what was beyond the temple walls that would take him time to accept: the temperature outside that was so much warmer of that of the temple even though it made his skin feel clammy, the wind which rushed against him in a way he hadn't expected, but most of all the sky above him and the openness of the surrounding area. If there was an opposite feeling to that of claustrophobia, Dark was experiencing it now.

With a loud bang, Link closed the door to the temple. The finality in the note did not provide the closure that Dark had been looking for, but it did make him realize that a new chapter in his life was beginning.

"Do you ride?" Link asked him, and it took Dark a moment to register what he meant. A horse stood off to the side, her head nodding down as she pawed at the grass with her right front hoof. She was beautiful by equine standards, but her golden fur and shiny white mane went unnoticed by the Sheikah, who was much more focused on her size. "This is Epona," Link told him, patting her head gently. "She can carry us both, if you like."

Dark shook his head. There had been horses back home; mostly used for manual labor on their growing fields. They were considered to be trusty partners for the most part, and people valued the help they provided. But he had never ridden one himself before, and he didn't feel now was the time to give it a try.

Link sighed, squinting up at the fading light. "Our best bet is to head to Lon Lon Ranch." He pointed to a walled off structure at the top of a hill. "It's too late to go anywhere else, and I don't like the idea of spending the night in the field." There hadn't been Stalchildren in Hyrule Field since he was a child, but he was still uncomfortable staying there much past sunset. Even though it would be easier to just take Dark to his house, Lon Lon Ranch was closer. "Are you sure you don't want to ride?"

Dark shook his head again, more vehemently this time. "Okay," Link said, holding out his hand. "Then give me your bag. I'm going to send her on ahead." Wordlessly, Dark handed over his pack. It was surprisingly heavy; containing several bottles, extra clothing, and keepsakes from his home. "Your sword, too," Link said, attaching the pack to Epona. He was met with an accusing stare.

"I don't think so." He put his hand to his throat in surprise after speaking. Even his voice sounded different to him; everything he heard now was spread out and heard a single time, rather than returning to him with a ringing or echoing quality.

"I'm taking mine off, too." Link unbuckled his sword and shield, attaching them both to Epona. He understood Dark's reluctance to hand over his blade, but they would be able to move faster if they weren't carrying any weapons. Though he seemed to walk effortlessly with the pounds of steel strapped to his back, Link knew from experience the amount of force it took to move even a single step. "We won't need them here."

Still feeling a bit uncertain, Dark slid his sword and shield off as well, walking over to Epona and trying to attach them himself. He roughly grabbed at the packs on Epona's back, jumping and cursing as she reared in surprise, his weapons falling to the ground. Link ran forward, tugging on Epona's reins to pull her back to the ground. "Easy, girl," he soothed her. "She doesn't like strangers," he explained with a grin. "Don't worry. She'll get used to you eventually."

Dark glared at him, picking up his fallen equipment in one swift movement and handing it over to Link. He watched as Link inspected the weapons, running a curious hand over the hilt of the sword and the outline of the shield. "You've taken really good care of these," he commented, as he placed them next to his own equipment. "They're in great shape." With a last check over the straps attaching everything to Epona, he tapped her lightly on the rear end, sending her running towards the safety of the ranch and the high fence that surrounded it. "She'll be waiting there for us when we get there," Link said to his companion. "Let's go."

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