Chapter 31

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Slipping on my night dress felt like such a relief.

After a long day, I was more than ready to sink into the softness of my bed. Soon as the hem of my gown touched the ground, I let out a gasp once I felt someone enter my room.

I turned to see Sebastian.

"Sebastian," I called, trying to calm my racing heart. "You almost scared me."

"I apologize."

"Why are you here?"

He tsked under his breath, a dark and teasing glint infiltrating his eyes. "I merely got here, and you want me gone already, princess?"

"That's not what I--"

He traced to stand in front of me. I made to step back but was immediately halted by his arms winding around my waist.

He buried his face into the volume of my hair, inhaling deep as he pressed into me. I dragged in a shaky breath. "Sebastian..."

"I will never tire of hearing my name from your lips." He drew back only to take my lips in a possessive kiss. His fingers tangled in my hair, the hand on my waist like a hot imprint.

He transfered his lips to my neck, leaving feathery kisses. "I want to claim my favour."

I giggled. "Now you just hold on."

He didn't, his fangs scraping my neck.

"You seem to have already decided I lost the game," I said.

He pulled back to raise a brow, his rough hands straying to the ropes holding my nightgown together. He began to pull at each of them. "It was obvious," he said, slowly slipping the arm of my gown down. "Four cards to eight doesn't seem like a fair odd."

"But the first cards I got in the beginning--"

"You seem to have forgotten," he murmured. "Beginnings mean little more without endings."

Our eyes held. So much seeming to be said in that one moment.

Was he implying there was a chance for both of us? Was he suggesting a future that didn't involve me marrying a fine fey prince?

Was it... possible?

Or was I just naive?

A lump grew at the back of my throat. "What do you want Sebastian."

Emotion burned behind his obsidian eyes. "You."

My gown, now free of its confines, hit the carpets.

He held my gaze for a charged moment before his eyes trailed lower. His eyes blackened, fangs sharpening to terrifying points.

I should be scared. But I couldn't explain the intense arousal throbbing through me. "Sebastian..." My trembling fingers went to his broad chest. He buried his face into the side of my neck, inhaling strongly only to let out a shuddering breath. His rough hands bit into my waist as he pulled me even more closer to him.

"I'm here to collect my due before I leave."

Through the haze of desire clouding my insides, I tried to make sense of his words. "What do you mean?"

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