Chapter 54

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I was loathe to leave this kingdom, especially since I just got here. But I had to return as soon as I could. For once, I allowed myself to think of a distant time. Of distant people.

My father. My dame. Her son. My stepbrother. My former betrothed.

It was like a floodgate had opened. And once the memories started pouring in, there was no stopping them.

I saw myself playing in the ever present snow that crested the plains of our stoic kingdom. I'd snuck away to play with the lieutenant sons, knowing I risked my dame flaying my backside for missing my lessons. I never could get why I spent hours learning the tongues of forgotten kingdoms.

The scent of pines and fresh meadows filled my nose and I breathed in deeply, already anticipating Eleanor's presence. Yver was not far behind. I'd contemplated leaving Yver under the care of king Fjoran, but I soon decided against it. The girl had wormed her way into my heart and I found myself reluctant to part from the ruffian.


I turned to see Fjoran. His wintery blue eyes seemed to communicate a lot to me. It had been centuries since I visited. And I was leaving so soon.

My heart suddenly heavy, I said, "Till we meet again."

He enveloped me in long hug, saying in my ear, "Take great care, son."

I nodded, drawing back. My arm went around Eleanor and I held onto Yver. Together we stepped into the portal and everything became blinded in white.

Over the course of time Eleanor had drawn closer to me and Yver hugged my leg with both hands.

Then the piercing white faded away. And I was met with Kaother.

An unchecked emotion splinted my insides and I became aware of the deep, unsettling feeling taking root within me. As quick as it came it disappeared. I barricaded my heart with a frosty enclosure, driving away any hint of feeling.

We stood before the grand palace and I tried to see it through Eleanor's eyes. The clouds were dark, the air rife with Kaother's customary chill. Spires rose up into the overcast skies, strong parapets lining the sturdy walls. A pair of morbid gargoyles stood on each tower.

"This is where you grew up?"

Eleanor's soft voice driftedvtowards me. I looked down at her upturned face, getting lost in the vivid blues of her eyes for a second. "Yes," I answered. Then unable to help myself, I asked quietly, "What do you think about it?"

She shrugged a slender shoulder, a smile pulling at her plump lips. "Well... It doesn't seem like much fun." The smile soon faded from her eyes, and a frigid emotion took camp.

I realized we had company.

A patrol officer stumbled upon us and on sighting me, his eyes widened. "Your highness!" Was all he said before tracing. To alert everyone.l no doubt.

Sure enough, an army of vampire warriors trace to surround me. They dropped to a knee, bowing low. "Welcome home, your highness. We have been waiting your return."

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