Chapter 52

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The ferryman was a stout man with a full beard that covered most of his face.

He splayed arms wide when he saw our disgruntled forms approach. "Ah. I've been expecting you."

Sebastian handed the reigns to one of the men there and grunted, "Of course you were." He motioned to I and Yver, directing to the man, "Have them put in one of the finest rooms in this ship."

The ship was a monumental affair, boasting tall masts and a wide hull. The stout man hesitated, stretching out a hand with a meaningful look.

I started. "Oh." I took off the expensive jewelry and placed it on his open palm. His eyes were rapt on the piece, scrutinizing every inch. When his head lifted, he gave a very wide smile and strated to lead us aboard. The wooden floors creaked beneath our feet and although still secured to the docks, I could feel every miniscule movement the ship made on sea. A wave of exhilaration passed through me and I noticed Sebastian's gaze on me. His eyes darkened at the excitement in my eyes.

Yver left my side to trail behind the man excitedly. He chattered away as he led us through the deck and past numerous sailors who stopped to give us a half salute. I couldn't tell what species they were but I wasn't ignorant of the crackle of magic that surrounded them.

The stout man turned to us with a grim expression on his face. "Now the waves here aren't all too gentle, but my ship has seen through many storms that can fell a lesser ship."

"How many passengers do you have on board?" Sebastian asked.

"Not too many. Few in fact. But, like you, their destinations all lead to the dark fey kingdom."

"They go to seek refuge?"

"No. To strike an alliance. Which is not so different from your reason for going there as well."

Sebastian's gaze grew suspicious. "How do you know my motives for going there?"

The man only smiled. "Told you I was expecting you."

With that he left, Yver skipping behind him.

I looked at Sebastian. "Do you think he has ill intentions?"

After a while he shook his head once. "No."

"Then that's all that matters. That, and getting to the dark fey in one piece."


"It's going to be a three day journey," I told Sebastian later that night when he slipped into our room, Yver already fast asleep.

To my surprise, the room was tastefully furnished, dark wood and expensive fur dispersed around the wide, luxurious space.

Sebastian drew level with me and I noticed the weariness on his face. I reached up and wound my arms around his neck, pulling him down. When his back was to the bed, I climbed down and took off his boots, crawling back up.

He pulled me into his arms immediately and buried his face into my hair, taking a greedy drag, his wide chest expanding. I splayed my hand over his hard pectorals. They flexed beneath my touch and Sebastian's eyes slid close in sweet agony. Knowing how much he loved me touching him, I sidled closer and placed kisses around the broad expanse of his chest.

He groaned, fisting my hair. He pulled me up and claimed my lips. It was hard and bruising and delicious. He devoured my lips like a man starved, growls breaking out of his chest.

When he drew back, his eyes ran over my face, an intensity burning in their bottomless depths. His thumb descended to trace a slow trail over my bottom lip. "I'll never get enough of you."

I smiled against his finger and a wave of mischief swept over me. My eyes still locked with his, I parted my lips and took his thumb into my mouth.

I knew it instantly when he shot rock hard. Black bled into the whites of his eyes, his fangs grew past his lips and the muscles in his body grew tight with tension. "Eleanor," he growled. And lightening quick, he took my lips and rolled over me. We fought to get impossibly closer, tearing off our clothes in the process.

My breaths grew laboured and they hitched when he snaked his hands down my stomach, spreading my folds. With one deep stroke, he plunged in a finger. I gasped into his mouth. He growled, driving me into the bed with the force of his kiss.

Delirious with desire, I strained against him as he thrust his fingers in and out. He dragged wet hot kisses down my neck, sinking his fangs into my pulse. My breath hitched and with a flash of white, I came hard.

I hadn't come down from my climax before he fisted his cock and thrust into me. My mouth hung open as he railed into me desperately, groaning against the side of my neck.

In moments he was coming, shooting hot jets of come into my womb. I gasped, feeling scalded by the hot invasion but I could only wrap my legs tight around him as he increased his thrusts to a feverish pitch.

He soon slumped against me, whispering my name.

When I turned to look at him, my heart constricted at the open and vulnerable glint in his eyes. They were tender and filled with something that had heat sweeping up my insides sweetly. With a quirk of my lips, I reached forward and brushed a lock of hair away from his face.

"I will never tire of you," he said lowly.

My fingers lingered in his hair. "What's this? The mighty Sebastian reduced to spouting romantic gibberish at the feet of a mere druid?"

Although he smiled, his voice held no humor only a curious sternness, "But you're no ordinary druid. You are my bride, my betrothed. Where you go, I follow. Even to the pits of hell."

"Sebastian," I said in a bare whisper, my hands going to his lips as if to quiet him. "Don't say that."

"What? The truth?"

My tone was firm. "No. Something foolish. Nothing's going to happen to me. And I'm not going to the pits of hell."

Yver mumbled something at the far corner of the room and I started to pull away to go to her, but Sebastian held fast, arms tightening. "Don't go."

His tone had me stilling. Sensing something bigger was at play, I sidled closer, saying for his ears only, "I'm not going anywhere."

I snuffed the candle flickering by the bedside. And as I stared into the night and listened to his deep breaths grow even, I wondered again what the future held.

My stomach clenched, an ominous feeling slowly enveloping me.

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