Chapter 46

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He was like a tightly coiled spring, dangerously tense, ready to explode at the slightest touch.

My body heated as his eyes roved over me. They were completely black and a lethal danger radiated from him. I should be frightened, but I found I was not, just... Excited.

His powerful body was drawn tight with tension, his strong arms bulging as he fisted his palms. He took a step in my direction, his eyes boring into mine. The deep rasp of his voice sent a shiver down my spine. "Are you sure?" He asked in a quiet, uncertain way that filled me with the urge to wrap my arms around him.

I only nodded, my eyes softening. "Yes," I whispered.

He stalked me, peeling off his shirt as he moved. Stood before me, he crouched low, dipping his head to my neck. He rained kisses down the length of it. When he nibbled on a pulse I clenched hard, my nipples hardening.

My palms fisted the furs and in that moment I was so glad our tent was far away from the camp.

"Touch me," he growled against me.

I lifted trembling hands to his massive chest. At the first contact, he groaned low, inching me backwards until I was smack on the coverings and he hovered over me. His biceps caged either side of my head, his obsidian eyes looking at me with a possessive glint, and something else, something soft and consuming.

My hands slid around his neck, bringing his head down to mine. He stilled, speaking gravelly, "Know that once I put my mark on you, it cannot be reversed."

I nodded, feeling a rush of excitement.

"I will not be sharing you, or returning you back to your kingdom. You will become mine and mine alone, with your place being at my side."

I nodded up at him. His face was so fierce, his jaw tight. Without thinking I reached up and smoothened his brows, leaning up to press a kiss against one. He shuddered, murmuring my name almost reverently.

"And you, big guy, are mine." My voice lowered. "I will not share you either."

His nostrils flared. "Gods." With a growl he claimed my lips.

He started softly, passing his firm lips over mine with a gentle intensity. His mouth grew insistent, urging me to open for him. Once I did, his tongue thrust inside and we both shivered. The kiss became decadent. He sucked on my tongue, slanting his hot lips over mine with increasing intensity.

Once I thrust my tongue into his lips, he snapped. With a growl he started to feast on my mouth, driving me into the covers as we breathed each other in, our tongues fighting for dominance. We rocked against each other wildly, the air pulling tight with tension. Unable to take the barrier of clothes anymore, Sebastian peeled off his trews. His large cock sprang free. I immediately clenched, eager to feel him inside me.

He drew back and held himself tensely on one forearm. His free hand caressed the side of my face. "Beautiful." Came his quiet baritone.

I leaned into his touch, feeling my chest swell. "Thank you," I whispered.

His hand snaked down, finding a nipple. I arched off the bed with a moan once he rolled the hard tip between his fingers.

Eyes never leaving my face, he growled, "Mine."

The same treatment was given to the other nipple, the same statement being made, "Mine."

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