Chapter 44

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We began our journey, the sun giving way to an ominous chill.

Leila rode alongside us, trying to engage Sebastian in a conversation. Gaze ahead, he replied curtly, seeming absent.

The only time he veered back to attention was when Fabien nudged his horse forward and presented me with a sweet-smelling plant.

His shy smile revealed a dimple as he informed, "One of Abberdin's finest, known for its healing properties. You're Abberdian, right?"

One of Sebastian's arm shot forward, grabbing the plant. He crushed it in a heavy fist, glaring at Fabien until he fell back, riding with the others.

Staying a shocked gasp, I turned around send him an apologetic smile but Sebastian's arms tightened and he leaned down. "Do not engage him."

"I wasn't going to," I whispered harshly. "And what's your problem?! He was only trying to be nice."

A snort. "And if I allowed it, he'll start sniffing around you. You'll be in danger of being discovered."

I folded my arms. "And you had to squash his gift to make that point known? Tell me, is my 'discovery' the only reason you don't want him 'sniffing around me?'"

"No," he said. "He shouldn't sniff around what's mine."

I wasn't his. Not yet anyway. Under my breath, I muttered, "Asshole."

To my left, one of the men said sharply, "Hold."

We all halted, something sinister coming to settle in the atmosphere.

Sebastian suddenly tensed. He slightly lifted his nose to the air. "Soul eaters," he gritted.

Gasps sounded. The horses feeling the tension in the air started to nicker and prance around. "Stay calm," Sebastian ordered calmly. "It looks like they set up camp here. I'll take a few men with me to go investigate."

When he started to dismount, I gripped his arm, whispering in fear, "Wait. I'll go with you."

He seared me a look. "Stay here." He exchanged a loaded look with a man that had been riding behind us. He rode his horse forward, stopping when he was beside me. He was large, with tattoos scattered around meaty arms. His quiet presence didn't budge from beside me.

Sebastian dismounted fully, three muscled men following suit. We watched them raptly until they disappeared out of sight.

We all waited with bated breaths, hearts banging loudly against our ribcages.

An eternity passed before they returned. The man beside Sebastian announced, "We've scouted. There are no other routes except the one that leads straight into the camp of the Eaters."

Sebastian spoke, "We can't make it to Absalon without utilizing that route. Soul eaters are usually weak at night. So by nightfall, we offer a distraction. When the camp is in enough ruckus, we slip away." His gaze found Fabien's wide ones. "You can make explosives from hidgegrew, right? I spied a few on our way here."

Fabien nodded hastily, relying on Sebastian's directions to uproot a fair large amount. The strategizing started in earnest, with Sebastian divvying up roles for each traveller. The male druids were to work traps out of vines. The women were to fashion stakes out of tree barks. As they all set to work, I rounded into Sebastian, my eyes wide with worry. "I want to help too."

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