Chapter 34

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Two weeks had passed since my introduction to court and since Sebastian had left on his mission. My understanding of Abberdian had improved tremendously, I was sure I could ride a horse expertly and my I had honed my fighting skills.

Over the weeks I had seen less and less of my father and the few times we met, we never stuck around each other to have a full conversation, each consumed with the busyness of our lives.

Today my maidservants fitted me into a rather drab green dress. May faced me with a smile. "Today you begin your elemental training."

I passed a hand over my dress, feeling a flutter of excitement.

Some royal guards led me down to the eastern gardens. It was huge, with planes of manicured green lawn rolling down. They bowed and left and soon an elderly woman with a head of white hair approached me.

At the frown on her face, I forced out an uncertain smile. "Hi."

Her green eyes scanned me. "Are you the princess?"

"Yes," I said, fighting the urge to fidget under her stare.

"Well," she said. "I expected some one much older. But you're a pretty little thing."

I smiled. "Uh, thanks." Little. I dwarfed her with my height.

"Come along," she said.

We went up a hedge leading to a river bank. Clear blue waters rushed down, the currents mild. She sat crosslegged. I lowered myself on the large rock, mirroring her position.

Her voice was as calm as the wind blowing through my locks. "Take a deep breath."

I inhaled slowly, feeling my chest expand.

"Let it out," she said.

I obeyed her instructions.

"Now imagine you were one with the water. Move your arms, feel the currents rushing through you."

My eyes closed shut as I fought to concentrate. With great effort, I moved my arms, trying to get the waters mirror the motion.

"Careful," the woman admonished. "This element is easily susceptible to emotions. The more volatile your emotions are, the more likey the currents will mirror them."

I nodded, sucking in a breath and striving to calm myself. I opened my eyes. Again I moved my arms, getting excited once a wave of water moved upwards by my willing.

My head shot to the woman. "Did you see that?!"

She smiled. "I did, your majesty."

Turning back to the river, I mused: I guess Ysmay was right. Aloud I said, "I take it I'm a water bearer."

She chuckled. "Not so fast, your highness. Tradition requires we test out all the elements before they are overruled."

The next place we went to was a dry piece of land. A barren earth. It was devoid of life and flowers, with only fleshy plants and spines scattered around. Everywhere I turned was an assortment of rocks, varying in size and shape.

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