Chapter 42

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I woke up to commotion. Sebastian moved around the room noisily, sheathing his swords, throwing things into a sack.

"What's wrong?"

He ordered, "Dress. We're leaving now."

I hopped down, slipping into my stays and woolen gown. I rushed out, "Has Richard found us?"

"One of the men killed a snake shifter near our camp."

"Snake shifters. Those exist?"

"Yes. And they're only one of the few immortal factions Richard formed an alliance with."

"He's formed alliances? What does he have to offer them?"

He looked straight at me. "You."

Before I could formulate words, he marched over to me and threw a cloak over my head, dragging the hood very low. "Cross breeders are rare," he told me. "With you on their side, any army will be nigh invincible."

He strung the strap of the sack over his shoulder and pulled me along with him. A blast of cool air hit my face once we got out in the open. He warned under his breath, "Don't speak to anyone, keep your head low at all times and stick to my side."

Swallowing, I nodded.

We got closer to the little encampment. They were all prepared, some already mounted. A woman sauntered over to Sebastian, her blood-red lips pulled into a wide smile. My teeth clenched when I saw two bite marks on her neck.

Her voice was sultry, "Good morning, Sebastian. Hope you slept alright?"

My heart twisted when he smiled back at her. "Yes. Good morning, Leila."

Her eyes lingered on my downcast face before going off to join the rest. Sebastian pulled me towards his horse, lifting me up. Once he mounted behind me, I blurted angrily, "Did you have sex with her?"

"What's it matter to you?" he asked low as he spurred his horse forward, trotting over to the front line. We began our journey quietly, with only the sound of a thin man talking at the back. He commented on every plantation we passed by as we went deeper into the forest, he spotted poisonous berries as well as collected medicinal leaves into his satchel.

At length Sebastian said, "No."

"No what?"

"I didn't sleep with her."

Then why had she been shooting covert glances at Sebastian all morning. I felt an uncharacteristic urge to claw her eyes out, then I grew embarrassed. I wasn't normally violent, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel relief at what Sebastian had said. The relief quickly dissipated at the next thing he said.


I stiffened. "You can't sleep with her," I found myself saying quietly.

"Why?" he murmured. "I'm not obliged to be faithful to anyone after all."

I turned to lock eyes with him. "Why are you doing this?"

He had the nerve to look innocently confused. "Doing what?"

"Trying to make me jealous."

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