Chapter 48

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Death and decay tinged the air.

The hilly space was filled with granite rocks and cold caves. There was no trace of grasses or plant life.

I saw that along with I and Sebastian, five more people had made it into the clearing. Fabien looked sickly pale and sweat dotted Cedric's broad forehead.

"What is this place?" Leila asked.

Cedric scoffed. "I can only imagine it's another hell. Now just what demons it harbours, we don't know."

Sebastian got down and walked the horse towards a stream. The others did the same, wanting to give their animals a reprieve.

"What do the birds here eat?" Fabien asked in disbelief, earning faint chuckles from everyone.

We had neared the stream when we heard squelching noises from the opposite end. The rest instantly drew alert. We turned to see a large humanoid figure eating the carcass of an animal. Swords were immediately drawn.

The sound drew the animal's attention and it snapped around, red, hate-filled eyes narrowing on us. It drew to it's full height and I saw the skin on its putrid flesh was rotting away. It lurched forward and released an inhumane shriek.

As if on cue, more creatures bursted out of the dry caves, bounding towards us.

"Get on your horses quick!"

Everyone swung into their saddles, pushing their horses to a fast gallop.

But we all soon made a devastating observation. The creatures were faster, and in no time we were surrounded.

A cruel smirk on a half formed face was the last thing I saw before something crashed into my head.



My focus swam in and out of a bottomless wormhole. Someone roared my name from faraway. Continuously. Until a guttural voice ordered for the vampire to be silenced.


Awareness slammed into me and memories came rushing back.

I sat up with a gasp. Sebastian.

I was in a dank cell. It must have been night because I could scarcely see more than a stone's throw ahead of me. I crawled forward, aware my hands were chained. I came in contact with a set of metal bars. I gripped them, pulling myself up. "Hello?" I called quietly.

No one responded and I paled in thinking about what they'd done to Sebastian.

Footsteps approached. No not footsteps, more like wet slapping of flesh against concrete. A putrid scent accompanied the newcomer. When he came into view, I blanched.

He--it, they were disgusting.

Numerous eyes peeked from a hairless glob of flesh that served as its head. Skinless arms gave way to a fat, rippling middle. Its legs were shapeless monstrosities.

He spoke in a guttural tone that hinted he hadn't used his vocal cords in a long while, "The princess awakens." Spittle flew around as he spoke.

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