10 - Green and Purple are Contrasting Colors

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Green walks with his two friends, as they all go to their respective dorms. Thankfully they were all first years so they did live in the same dorm house. As the three walked, Green snickered.
"Hey Red." Red looks at him.
"Bet you 50 bucks they made out."
"Oh fuck mate! You're on!" Red exclaimed. Second simply laughed as they all soon parted ways. Green walks to his dorm, opening the door to meet his eyes with Purple. He let out a loud groan.

Him and Purple didn't really get along due to Purple's "rich kid" personality, Atleast to him. As Green sat down on his Bed, he turned on his music to play some jazz. Maybe he could get in a small study sesh? He sits at his desk and starts to just write notes. That's when Purple turns off his speaker, making Green stand up and turn around.
"Jesus fuck, dude! Can't a guy listen to some music??"
Purple rolled his eyes. "Yeah, you can. With your headphones. The music is distracting!"
"Dude, it's jazz. Who the fuck doesn't like jazz?" Green groaned, putting on his headphones to listen to his jazz. Seriously, who doesn't like jazz??
He thought as he continued to write notes.

Purple sat back down on his bed, drawing and doodling in his note book. Hours had passed before Purple was out of his zone. He heard snoring and looked over to see Green fast asleep at the desk. He rolled his eyes and walked over, before honking him on the head with a book, causing him to jump. He rubbed his eyes and looked at Purple, before groaning again.

"You are SO annoying." He sighed as Purple snickered.
"If I have a chance to see you in a terrible mood, I'll take it~"
Green groaned before going over to his bed and laying down, pulling the covers over himself. He decided to get some rest before Purple pulled any more shenanigans. That prick.. he thought. I'll make his life a living hell.

The next morning, Green woke up. It was a Saturday. Nice. He sits up straight, to see Purple gone. He rolled his eyes. He looked at what he missed in the GC.

               🟠 "yo u guys wanna hang or smthn?"
               🔴"I mean I'm down."
               🟡"alright then."
                                                                                             "Sure ig"🟢

All these messages were typed 30 minutes ago.. fuck. He got up and got changed into what he usually wears before grabbing his guitar and heading out. He scrolled further up to see where they were even headed and found out it was the local mall. He sighed, putting the strap on his guitar case over his shoulder. This was gonna be a long walk. He put on his headphones to play some music as he started to walk.

Around 30 minutes later, he made it to the mall which was packed with people. Understandable it was 8am on a Saturday. Compared to everyone else in the group, he wasn't much of a morning person, but he wondered why they wanted to meet so early..

continuing to walk around, he couldn't help but notice a Music Store and decided to go inside. Once inside, it was really quit other than the sound of music playing. He needed a new guitar pick as he lost his old one so he looked around. He saw a purple one and groaned before looking at a green one that had a lightning design on it. It was also a 4 pack. Perfect. He grabbed them before looking around even more.

There was also an old Jazz vinyl record sitting on a shelf and he gasped. It was one he didn't have so he quickly grabbed it. He didn't even bother to check the price so when he checked out, he was really surprised it came out to $615. He shrugged it off before buying everything and it getting handed to him in a plastic baggie. As expensive as it was, it was limited and one he didn't have yet. He continued to walk before coming across a food court and he saw his friends in the distance. It was easy to spot them, mainly because of Blue's bright blue hair.

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