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It was a normal day at Toretto's , Mia was working on a crossword while we was waiting to see of any customers turned up while Dom was in the back doing whatever he was doing. I look up from the crossword that Mia was doing to see the same red van that had been here everyday with 'The Racers Edge' written on the side. The same blonde hair boy stepped out of the van to come and order a tuna sandwich which he ordered everyday when he came here. But i knew that he wasn't here for the sandwich he was here for Mia. I mean who could blame him. 

Brian: "what's the tuna like"

Mia: "you ask me this everyday and the tuna is still the same"

Brian: "i'll have the tuna then"

Mia: "no crust?"

Brian: "no crust"

Mia walks over to where she makes the sandwich while i sit there and try to figure out the rest of the crossword that she started. She places the the plate down in front of Brian and he takes a bite of the sandwich while he looks a Mia. The two of them begin to chat and laugh about whatever they was talking about while in the distance I could hear the sound of cars racing towards the shop. The cars arrived and parked right next to each other while everyone got out and started to gather around the hood of one of the cars. 

I watched as one of the men grabbed the back of the other ones head and turned it towards the red van that was parked across the street. They looked behind them to see Brian talking and laughing with Mia. The group of people start to walk towards the shop . Jesse and Leon walk over to me when Leon places his arms around my neck and hugs me while Jesse was behind us trying on all the sunglasses that was on the stand . Vince walks over to the counter where Mia and Brian are and just stares at Brian. 

Mia: " Vince...Vince..can i get you anything?"

Vince: "you look good"

Brian: "thanks Mia see you tomorrow" Brian gets up and walks out towards his van.

I look up at Leon and he looks down at me .

Leon: "i love this part"

Vince: "Try fat burgers from now on. You get yourself a double cheese with fries for 2.95 faggot"

Brian: "i like the tuna"

Vince: "bullshit asshole nobody likes the tuna here"

Brian: "yeah well i do"

Vince speeds up and pushes Brian against his van but Brian retaliates and punches Vince in the face and the pair start fighting outside while Mia starts to panic and tells Dom to sort it out. 

Mia: "Jesus Christ Dom will you get out there please i'm sick of this shit"

Dom just sits there and stares at the wall 

Mia: "I'm not kidding Dom get out there"

Dom gets up out his seat and turns around without any emotion and looks at them fighting outside. 

Dom: "what did you put in that sandwich"

Mia: "that's really funny"

Letty: "DOM !" she looks at Dom and signals him to go outside and sort it out. Dom looks at Letty and comes out of his room and storms outside towards Brian and Vince. Jesse runs after Dom with a huge smile on his face while Leon looks at me and follows after them. While me and Letty look at each other huff and walk out following the others. Dom grabs Brian off Vince and pushes him onto the car and stares. 

Brian: "hey man he was in my face"

Dom: "i'm in your face"

Vince comes up behind Dom trying to grab Brian when Dom turns around and pushes Vince towards Jesse and Leon. 


Leon Pushes Vince and Vince knocks the bag of crisps out his hand.

Leon: "get out here"

Dom: "Jesse gimme the wallet"

Jesse bends down and picks up the wallet up of the floor and hands it to Dom.

Dom: "Brian earl Spilner. Sounds like a serial killer name is that what you are."

Brian: "nah man"

Dom: "don't come around here again"

Dom hands the wallet back to Brian and walks of back towards the shop. 

Brain: "Hey man this is bullshit"

Dom: "you work for harry right"

Brian: "yeah just started"

Dom: "you were just fired"

We all walk back into the shop and watch Brian drive of in his van. Mia looks at me and shakes her head as she knew this wouldn't be the last situation. Me , Letty and Mia all get up and start to walk outside.

Vince: "hey Mia where you going"

Mia: "for a girl drive"

Dom: "be safe" 

Letty : "we always are"

We get half way out the shop when i feel a hand grab my shoulder. 

Leon: "See you later"

Millie: "yeah"

I smile as i walk off and i can see Mia and Letty looking at me in the corner of my eye.

Millie: "what?"

Letty: "he likes you"

Mia: "yeah he does"

Millie: "whatever let's just go for a drive" I say as i get in my car and start to drive while Mia and Letty and catching up behind. 

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