She's gone.

4 0 0

Months has passed since the last truck and Dom and Mia and I had drove to this road where Mia told us to go as Dom pulls up and we all get out the car and Dom walks out into the middle of it as it was dead quiet and there was no noise around what so ever. Me and Mia just stand against the car while Dom just stared into the distance of the road. Dom's eyes watched the road as he slowly turned his head it was as if he had seen some sort of vision of what had happened. He turned as he bent down and placed his finger i some sort of yellow dust. As he brings his hand closer to his face to inspect the dust Mia looks at him with tears in her eyes. Dom wipes the dust of his finger he stands back up and looks back into the direction he started of looking in. His face grows in anger as he turns back around and looks behind him. 


Later that night me , Mia , Brian and Dom are all chilling in the apartment while Brian and Mia sat at the table talking I was helping Dom clear the room out where Letty was staying when Dom opens the box with Letty's name on it. It was the box that had all the most important stuff of Lettys in the box Brian had brought home as he was the one working on Lettys case. He opens the lid and pulls out the photo of him and Letty when they first met he just sits and looks at it while Mia and Brian talk in the other room. Dom places the photo back in the box and pulls out the envelope that says evidence envelope written on it. He reaches into it and pulls out Lettys cell phone. He goes on the phone to see all recent calls that's when he calls the top number and Brian's phone rings from the other room. Dom drops Lettys phone on the floor and storms over to Brian.

Brian: "hey Dom"

Dom: "when where you gonna tell me"

Millie: "Dom what are you doing"

Brian: "Dom"

Dom: "when where you gonna tell me you where on to Letty"

Brian: "Let me explain"


At that moment Dom grabs Brian and throws him into the shelf as he falls into it the whole shelf falls down and glass breaks around him. 

Mia: "Dom stop... STOP"

Dom throws Brian and he flies over the chair and hits the ground.. Dom gets on top of Brian and starts to punch him repeatedly 

Mia: "Dom stop it please stop"

Brian: "she did it for you Dom !, She did it for you. Letty came to me to clear your name in exchange for bringing down Braga , SHE JUST WANTED YOU TO COME HOME"

Dom walks off leaving Brian on the floor and Mia standing there in shock while i just stood there and watched him leave with no emotion on my face

Brian: "Sorry Dom ! , I'm sorry !"


Later that same day Dom had came back storming in and demanded that Brian went with him he didn't say where but I had a gut feeling that whatever it was it wasn't a good idea. 

Millie: "Dom where are you going"

Dom: "don't worry about it i need Brian's help that's all nothing" 

Dom storms out of the apartment when Brian follows while Mia walks over to the window and watches them get into the car and speed off. 

Mia: "where do you think their going"

Millie: "I don't know" 


A few months later we all find ourselves sitting in court room where we was seeing what would e happening to Dom if he would be going to prison or if he would get away with it and come away with a free life.

Judge: "Please rise Mr Toretto. I've listened to the testimony and taken into special consideration of agent O'connors appeal of clemency on behalf of Mr toretto  that his actions directly resulted in the apprehension of know drug trafficker arturo Braga , however this judiciary finds that one right does not make up for a lifetime worth of wrongs and as such i find that i am forced to level to maximum sentence under California law.. Dominic Toretto you are hereby sentenced to serve 25 years to life at the Lombok maximum security prison system without the possibility of early parole this court is adjourned"

Hours pass and Dom had already been put into the bus for transport to the prison Me , Mia and Brian all go home to process what had just happened and what we was going to do. Brian storms out the room and goes to his car and I follow after him.

Millie: "where are you going"

Brian: "you think i'm letting Dom rot in a Prison cell"

Millie: "so what are you going do" 

Brian: "Get Mia and follow me i have a plan"

I run inside to get Mia and tell her what Brian said as we run back outside and get into our cars as we speed off down the road following Brian as he leads us to this deserted road with no cars going up or down but only the bus that had all the Prisoners inside. We picked up speed and closer to the bus , Mia and Brian take the sides of the bus while i get left with the back. Mia speeds past the car and spins it around heading straight towards it making the bus swerve and as Brian slammed his brakes the bus swerves and hits the corner of the car making it flip over with all the people inside it rolled for a while and stopped in the middle of the road and we all gather around it stopping the cars next it. 

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