10 second car

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It was the ext day and everyone was at the garage either fixing their car or helping someone else. We was all minding our own business when this truck reverses up outside the garage with a car that looked like it had seen better days.

Dom: "what the hell is this"

Brian: "this is your car"

Millie: "my car? I said a 10 second car not a 10 minute car"

Jesse: "you could push this across the finish line or tow it"

Dom: "couldn't even tow that across the finish line"

Brian: "no faith"

Millie: "oh we have faith in you but this isn't a junk yard it's a garage"

Brian: "pop the hood"

Millie: "pop the hood?"

Jesse: "two jay-z engine no shit"

Brian: "what did i tell you"

Millie: "i retract my previous statement"

Jesse: "you know what this will decimate all after you put 15 grand into it or more if we have overnight parts from Japan"

Millie:"well put it on my tab at Harry's"

Jesse: "yes"

Dom: "i gotta get you racing again so i can make money off your ass"

Millie: "there's a show down the desert called race wars and that's were you'll do it"

Dom: "i'll tell you what when your not working at Harry's your working here if you an't find the right tool in this garage Mr Arizona you don't belong near a car"

Mia: "he owns you now"

The rest of the day all of us are working on the 10 second car Brian delivered to me . We did everything we could to make it look brand new again and mad sure it would win that race in the race wars. 

Brian's POV:

I helped all of them with the car to make sure it was at it's best when i stopped to go into the back room to see Jesse with a design on his computer for the supra i walk in and his head immediately turned towards me. 

Jesse: "tell me what you think about this . Tony adjustable's gonna save us about two pounds and there gonna give us better traction for the whole shot . All right . This is your basic layout of the car and that's pretty much what it could look like when it's finished. Red , green .

Me: "man you should be going to MIT or something"

Jesse: "yeah right i got that. Oh what's it called that attention disorder"

Me: "oh ADD"

Jesse: "yes that shit. you know i was doing algebra and like math and like math and shit everything else i failed dropped out of school i don't know it's something about engines that calms me down you know"

I listened to what Jesse had to say to me and for some reason i felt like i was part of a family you know people telling me about their pasts becoming closer with everyone and them even fixing up a car for me so i can race for them. I felt at home i know it was weird to say but it felt right. The right people the right time and the right place for all of us together laughing , joking , fixing cars and doing everything together. 

End of Brian's POV:

The car was coming together nicely all we needed to do now was wait for Jesse to do the design and then we could paint the car and customize it how ever we wanted to. But we still had to make sure that this car would 100% win this race and that the person behind the wheel was determined to win the race because as they all say it's not the car it's the person behind the wheel driving it that mattered. 

The same day we finished the car we all drove home and had a family BBQ the food is cooking and Mia and Brian are inside sorting the food out while i helped Dom with the BBQ and setting the table. Letty , Leon and Vince all drive up to the house with the rest of the supplies for the family BBQ when Vince walks up the path with the last two bags and sees Brian and throws the two bags in Leon's hands. 

Vince: "i'm outta here"

Leon: "come on dog... Dom" 

Dom: "VINCE get over here and give us a hand"

Vince: "looks like you've got all the help you need brother"

Vince walks back down the path and gets into his car and speeds of while the rest of us continue getting the stuff ready.

Dom: "MIA the chickens dry"

Mia , Brian and Leon come out the house with bowls , plates and cups for the BBQ as Letty helps Dom and the gets set up . We all take a seat as a family when Jesse grabs a bit of food first before everyone else. 

Dom: "Because you was the first out of everybody here to reach in to get the chicken you say grace"

Jesse: "dear heavenly...Uh"

Millie: "Spirit" i say while smiling at Jesse

Jesse "spirit thank you ... Thank you for providing us with the direct port Nitrous uh injection four core intercoolers and ball bearing turbos and um titanium value springs thank you"

Leon: "Amen"

Dom: "not bad"

And at that moment we all start to grab some food when Vince walks around the corner

Leon: "look who it is old coyotes rs i thought you weren't hungry pumpkin"

Vince:"you know i gotta eat"

Millie: "he's a;ways hungry"

Dom: "alright sit down"

Letty: "let's eat some grub man"

We all tuck into the food and share it between us all. While Vince and Brian stare at each other but it was a stare that didn't say i'm going to kill you it was a stare that said were cool and so be it at least it meant them two wouldn't be fighting any time soon . Mia looked at them both and smiled as she knew that there would be no more arguing. 

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