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we arrive at the place where Dom told us to go and park behind 3 cars that are covered in cloths. We get out the cars and start to take the cloths of the cars to reveal these pitch black cars that hid tinted windows all the way around. 

Dom: "alright we're one man short so Letty i need you on the left side"

Letty: "your sisters right about this one this don't feel good"

Dom: "Don't do that"

Letty: "something wrong"

Dom: "stop"

Millie: "we shouldn't be doing this without Jesse"

Dom: "look this is the mother load we've been on for 3 months after this it's a long vacation for everyone. Let's go"

Leon: "come on Mils your with me"

Dom finishes setting up the cars and walks over to Letty and whispers something to her while Leon opens the door for me and i get in and he walks round to the other side and looks at Vince and they point at each other just to let each other know that they are looking out for each other. Everyone else gets into the car and we get ready to go. Headlights turn on and so does the neon green lights underneath the cars. Engines start and we drive towards where the truck is supposed to be. Following Dom to the location our speed limit increases. Day time comes around and we find ourselves in the middle of nowhere following this truck. We approach the truck Dom taking the front of the truck with Vince inside , Letty taking the left side of the truck. While Leon takes the back of the truck. I look over at Leon and he notices that i'm a little nervous and gives me a smile to show me that it will all be okay . I know we've done this many times before but this one felt different to the others. 

Vince places his helmet on and stands up in the car and shoots the arrow through the truck window and pulls it out . Then he connected another one the seat in the truck so he is able to get from the car to the truck safely . The trucker pulls out a gun and shoots at Vince but misses and shoots the hood of the truck instead . Vince takes his helmet of and throws it on the floor and tries to climb back up to the truck when the trucker shoots again . Dom drives over to the left of the truck and rolls down the window and puts his arm out ready for Vince to take it but the trucker shoots Dom's car causing him to swerve and Letty drives over to the other side of the truck to distract the driver from Dom and Vince . He shoots towards Letty and shatters her back window . The trucker slams the brakes and causes Vince to fly around the side of the truck causing him to hit his head . His arm get tangled in the wire creating his arm to bleed and cause a lot of pain. 

Dom shouts at him to give him his hand but Vince is too distracted by the pain in his arm . The trucker looks at Vince and sees him through the window and shoots at him again . Vince grabs Dom's hand but the trucker pulls away and shoots through the door of the truck which misses Vince and hits Dom tire creating him to be unsteady with driving. Letty drives under the truck so she can get to the other side where Vince was but the trucker hits her and makes her car go of the road and flip multiple times. Dom speaks through the radio and tells Leon to turn around and get Letty so he spins the car around throwing me against the door of the car and speeds towards where Letty's car flipped . I run out the car shouting Letty's name to see her crawling out of the car with an injury on her head . Me and Leon pull her out the car and pick her up to take her back to our car. 

As we are getting Letty to the car i see Brian speed past not taking a chance to stop . He Heads towards where Dom and the truck went. The trucker shoots Dom's car again causing him to lose control and making him pull away from the truck. When Brian catches up to the truck and sees Vince . Mia takes the wheel and Brian stands up in the car and tries to get Vince . He jumps from his car to the truck . Vine grabs onto Brian's side and he tries to free Vince from the wire . He unwraps Vince and grabs onto him while trucker tries to reload his gun . Brian throws Vince onto the car and he gets into the seat while Brian jumps from the truck onto the back of his car and Mia speeds off road and Leon drives us to where Brian , Mia and Vince are . Dom checks on Letty as i run off towards Mia and Brian while the others stay at the car with Letty. 

Brian: "if we don't get him an ambulance in 10 minutes he's dead"

Brian pulls his cellphone out and looks at me with a scared look on his face

Brian: "yeah this is officer Brian O'connor i need an ambulance right away. I'm off duty on the high way 86 mile mark on 147 iv'e got one victim about 24 years of age 6 foot maybe 200 pounds he's got a injury to his right arm and internal bleeding and a gun shot wound close range ti his left leg . Yeah he's going into shock"


They begin making sure Vince is stable while the air ambulance comes over towards us . Landing on the field next to us they put Vince on a stretcher and carry him towards the ambulance and take him to the hospital . While i go back as i didn't want to watch Vince go off in this way. Mia stands there looking at Dom then Brian going back and fourth watching them . Dom shouts towards Mia and she gives one last look towards Brian and runs off towards Dom. 

We watch from the car as Vince is taken off in the air ambulance . When Leon races down the road and takes us all back home to fix Letty up. 

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