Street Racing

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Night hit and all of us decided to got to the street race that was being held and when we got there cars where blocking of main roads so the race wouldn't be interrupted by any cars driving by. There was people gathered around cars showing them of while others stood around drinking  dancing and talking and having fun. We get out of ours cars and Dom heads straight to the crowd of women. When we all walk over to him but Letty had her jealous look on her face again . 

Letty: "oww. i smell skanks why don't you girls pack it up before i leave tread marks on your face"

Dom: "Letty i was just talking"

Letty: "yeah whatever" she walks off behind him.

Dom: "okay Hector"

Hector: "yeah what's up man"

Edwin: "yo what's up how we doing this tonight" 

Dom: "one race winner takes all Hector your gonna hold the cash"

Lance: "why Hector"

Edwin: "cus he's to slow take make way with the money man" the crowd laughs while Hector fakes a smile. 

Dom: "okay good luck guys"

Brian: "hey wait hold up i don't have any cash but i do have a pink slip to my car"

Jesse: "hey you can't just climb into the ring with all the just cuz you think you ca box"

Brian: "he knows i can box" he says with a smile on his face while pointing at Vince. 

Brian: "so check it out it's like this i lose winner takes my car clean and clear. But if i win i take the cash and i take the respect. 

Dom: "respect" him and the crowd laugh at the decision of Brian. 

Brian: "to some people that's more important"

Millie: "Is that your car?"

We all walk over to the car when Jesse gets there he instantly opens the hood of the car to reveal the engine.  As he inspects the car and tells everyone what in the engine. 

Millie: "it has a standalone fuel management system not a bad way to spend 10,000 dollars"

Brain: "so what do you say am i worthy"

Millie: "we don't know yet.. but your in let's go"

The crowd get in there cars to park around so they can block of places and watch the race take place. Cars line up and so do people as we prepare for the race.

We drive the cars down as we see people spraying the starting line for us across the street. Jesse cheers me on while Vince follows Brian's car and stares at him as he goes pass. As Letty and Mia stand by the cars and watch us drive pass. Stopping by the starting line we line up as Brian brakes too late and crosses the line causing the crowd to make noise. 

Looking at him from my window i could see that the little accident of crossing the line made him a bit embarrassed, but he looks down to me and take a deep breath . We rev our engines and Hector gives us the signal to go. Racing off the finish line I take the lead as everyone else follows close behind. Racing down the street i could see Brian coming up closely behind me as i could tell her just used his NOS but little did he know he used it to early and as we started to get closer to the finish line Brian starts to lose control of his car creating s chance for me to get in front. 

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