Race wars

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It was the day of the race wars we was all there waiting for Brian to arrive . Dom was talking to girls while the face on Letty clearly showed she was jealous and that she wanted Dom to stop talking to them and show her attention . While Vince , Jesse and Leon sat down and relaxed but not me obviously i had to race because what would be the point in being there if i didn't race. 

Brian arrived in his orange Toyota Supra waited in line as the security gave him a slip . He drove off to wait in line . As we waited Letty stormed off as she was annoyed with Dom so she decided to race . Her racing partner was some guy who told her that she should be watching instead of racing which meant that Letty didn't take it well so she took it into her own hands and added money to the race the guy looked annoyed with the suggestion but then pulls out another load of money . Letty huffs as they pull forward to the starting line as the man counts them down the guy against Letty blows her a kiss towards Letty but she turns him down and focuses on the road the guy thinks he's winning but Letty uses her NOS to speed past him making her win the race. She parks her car and comes back over to us . A little later Brian comes over and parks his car and waits with us and we all talk about random things . Brian comes over to the caravan and gets hit with the door as Jesse comes rushing out. 

Jesse: "Woah hey Brian"

Brian: "hey what's up Jesse. What do you have in your hand?"

Jesse: " Throwing down a pink slip just like you"

Brian: "the slip for what the Jetta?"

Jesse: "yeah"

Brian: "you can't bet your dads car"

Jesse: "it's alright i ain't loosing. This fool is running a Honda 2000 i'll win that way me and my dad can roll together when he get's out of prison it's all good"

Brian: "well they're gonna throw him right back in Prison after he kills you"

Jesse: "shit" Jesse runs towards his car as it is being driven to the starting line Leon steps out the car and hugs Jesse good luck. 

Leon: "You visualize the win" They hug

Leon: "hey you visualize the win Jesse i'm serious you got to listen to me"

Brian: "who you racing" at that time Johnny pulls up next to Jesse with a smile on his face . Jesse shows him the money and smiles nervously. 

Brian: "Jesse don't do it i bet you he's got more than 100 grand under the hod of that car"

Brian steps back away from the car and the man signals them to go Jesse panics as they both race off the starting line and speed down the road towards the end of the race . Jesse rushes and use his NOS to soon which causes Johnny to use his and speed past Jesse leaving him in stress and regret and instead of turning around to go back to the starting line he carries on going straight and leaves the races wars. 

Leon:"yo Dom we got problems"

Dom: "what?"

Leon: "Jesse"

Dom: "where's Jesse going?"

Leon: "he just raced Shan for slips"

Dom: "oh shit"

Johnny comes racing back towards us as we all gather around each other his face furious as he steps out the car and slams his door.

Johnny: "where's he going"

Millie: "went to the car wash"

Johnny: "whatever go fetch my car"

Millie: "go fetch your car? we're not on your block anymore you better watch who you talk to like that"

Johnny: "TORETTO swat came into my house disrespected my whole family because somebody knocked me out and you know what it was you!!"

Dom couldn't stand being spoke to like that so he took a swing and punched Johnny in the face and gets on top of him and starts punching him repeatedly as the crowd gather around to watch the fight happen security tries to grab Dom off Johnny as his cousin runs over when Letty punches him in the face and Vince and Leon step in to pull Dom of Johnny as security couldn't. 

Leon: "get of him"

They drag Dom back but he still tries to fight as the crowd still cheer and shout. Johnny lays there on the floor as Dom shouts at him.


We all walk back to the caravan as we was staying at the race wars the whole night as Dom said he had something planned for us . The night hits and the music get turned up we are all ready for this plan Dom had we knew what it was but we didn't tell Brian as we suspected something about him. As we try to leave Mia comes over shouting at Dom begging us all not to go along with this . But little did we know Brian was in Mia's caravan watching out the window. Dom doesn't tell Mia and tells us all to get into ours cars . We get in and drive of towards the destination where we needed to go. As Mia storms off angry and upset . Brian runs out to catch up to Mia.

Brian and Mia's POV:

Brian: "Mia what's going on. you know what i'm talking about"

Mia: "i don't know Brian"

Brian: "what so you always have tears in your eyes when Dom drives away"

Mia: "what is the matter with you"

Brian: "come on what's your brother racing off to in the middle of the night i'm talking about the trucks do you know about the trucks"

Mia: "no Brian what trucks Jesus Christ"

Brian: "Mia i'm a cop"

Mia: "what you talking about Brian what is this"

Brian: "ever since the first time i met iv'e been undercover... i'm a cop"

Mia: "oh my god you bastard"

Mia looks at Brian with tears in her eyes and storms off but Brian runs after her and grabs her 

Mia: "get off me Brian"

Brian: "MIA LISTEN TO ME... everything i said i felt about you was real i swear to god you might not believe me right now but this isn't about you. Your brother out there about to pull a job and we're running out of time those truckers they're not laying down anymore . You know maybe they make it through tonight but every single law enforcement agency in California is coming down on them. You don't want anything to happen to your brother to Letty to Vince to Leon to Millie you have to just get in that car with me right now and you have to help me. Mia you are the only person that can help me right now . Please Ma. Please help me. 

Mia just looks at Brian with tears in her eyes and just follows him to his car and gets in and tells him where he should go 

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