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We was all on the way to Brazil as it was the only place where we could go for some peace and quiet and no one would say anything about it. I sat in the back of the car while Mia sat in the front with Brian while he drove us there. Heading up the hill i look out the window and stare at all the people and houses the where gathered together making them look like they was in a cult of some sort. When get higher up the hill when Brian turns and parks the car behind a car with two children sat on the back of it staring through the window at us. Chills went down my spine as i looked at the children who showed no expression on their face what so ever. We all get out the car and start looking around at the place inspecting all the surroundings. 

Mia: "this had gotta be it right"

We walk away from the car Mia and Brian are hand in hand walking with each other while i followed close behind as i had a weird feeling about this place and had no idea why Mia dragged me here with her. We headed up some stairs and walked across the pathway which lead to even more people with them also looking at us with a clear face. We got further up the stairs when men with guns came out of no where and stood in front of us staring at us. 

Brian: "let's get outta here"

With the moment of Brian dragging Mia past me i heard someone shouting so i turn around making Mia turn her head to see what i was doing when I saw this man dressed in a white tank top come walking down the stairs shouting at the men with the guns. 

Vince: "haha Mils"

I smile as i walk to Vince and give him the biggest hug ever he looks over at Mia and Brian and his face turns. 

Vince: "buster.. Come up" 

We follow Vince as he takes us up the stairs 


Dom had his great idea of some sort of heist for us but let's be real none of his heist went the way they were supposed to but i went along with it as i had nothing better to do and i was 100 percent not stay at Vinces' with all the people around who stared into my sole the minute i got there so thank you but no i would rather go along with them. Dom sent Mia and Brian to sit on the train while me , DOm and Vince would wait for the signal that they was supposed to give us. we arrived up next to the train while two men started to cut the side of the train out i stood their and watched as i didn't want to know where this would end up. They pull the side of the train off as we all stepped inside where Mia and Brian was they was standing among some sort of car that was sitting there

Vince: "look who showed up" Mia walks over to hug Dom. 

Dom: "i thought i told you to lay low"

Brian: "running on fumes , had to make a call"

Man: "hey quit talking we only got a 2 minute window"

Dom: "let's go Vince"

Vince get's into the car and drives down the ramp and drives the car off down the desert path and speeds of into the distance we all watch as he drifts the car around and drives away. One of the men try to walk forward but Dom puts his arm in front to stop him. 

Dom: "ladies first" 

Mia looks at me as i get into the car and she gets into the passenger seat. I turn the car on and rev the engine while i stare at Dom through the window. The two men hook the clips onto the cars wheels as they pull the car out the train and onto the ramp. The men look at each other and speak in Spanish clearly trying to plan something but Dom come up to the window to me.

Dom: "change of plans wait for my call"

I nod as Dom walks away and i take a deep breath 

Dom: "lets go !"

They pull the car out of the train and onto the ramp it lifts up and i reverse the car down and spin it around going in the opposite direction to what Vince went in. The dust shadows from behind the car as i speed of with Mia looking at me for reinsurance. I just smile as we headed into the distance. 

Few hours pass and me and Mia have parked up in some garage that we have never been before while we waited for Dom to call but we hadn't heard nothing since he told us to wait for him. 

Mia: "do you thing there're okay"

Millie: "of course they always are even if they was tied up in some room with no way out they would find a way"

Mia: "what you actually think that they are tied up somewhere"

Millie: "no it was just a figure of speech"

We suddenly hear a loud bang when I grabbed the first thing I saw and i hid behind as wall. Mia walks over with the bar in her hand when she stand against the wall alongside me. The door opens and Mia steps back.

Brian: "Mia ? "

Mia: "hey" She runs over to Brian and hugs him in relief. 

Mia: "you okay"

Brian: "yeah , you alright" In that moment Dom walks through the door and I walk over to hug him he hugs me back until he lets go and takes the metal bar out my hand. 

Dom: "just like a toretto"

Millie: "where's Vince"

Brian: "that's a good question"

Dom: "he'll be here"

Mia: "guys we're all over the news they're blaming us for the killing of those d agents on the train"

Brian: "which means we just jumped right up to the top of the wanted list , the feds have got to show everyone their agents are off limits they're gonna send their best guys we gotta get outta here"

Dom: "one thing we we know for sure is that they wanted this car"

Brian: "somethings in it"

Dom: "we find out what it is we'll know what we're up against"

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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