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They was in Dominic Republic after this trucker which i said to Dom it would be an bad idea for them to do but he insisted that it would be fine and nothing would go wrong. But I told him that i wasn't going to do this again so i stayed home while everyone else went out.

Everyone else POV:

Dom and Letty where the first ones behind the trucker and everyone else was following close behind when Letty climbs out of the window of the car and crouches down on the hood of the car while over the radio Han speaks as they raced down the road after the trucker. 

Han: "i thought we'd be robbing banks by now not some gas truck in the middle of no where"

Letty: "down here gas is gold papa"

Tego: "yeah , but banks don't move"

Don: "anytime you go near a bank we have to break your ass out of prison"

Dom: "no more human chat game time"

Letty: "i wouldn't piss him off guys"

At the moment of her finishing her word she jumps from the car and onto the back of the truck holding onto the ladder attached on the back. Dom drives up to the front of the truck to pull in front of it while telling Letty it was all clear and that she could carry on climbing up the back of the truck. She gets up to the roof of the truck when Han speeds up and spins his truck around so the girl in his car was able to climbs out the back out the window and hook the truck so Letty was able to freeze it and detach one part of the truck. While Dom was still at the front distracting the driver. Letty hits the two parts of the truck and it detaches as Tego drives in front to get the other parts of the truck. 

Dom: "alright T your up"

Han: "Let's see if you can get it in under 6 tries this time huh T"

Tego: "What are you talking about i'll do it in one try" 

Letty: "it's more like three come on Tego let's keep it real"

The truck turns around and they attach the hook onto the truckers truck when he sees them in his mirror when he speeds up and goes into the back of Dom while Letty was struggling to keep her balance. Letty falls and drops the hammer she was using the hit the truck apart when the trucker speeds up again and hits the back of Dom again. Dom looses control and spins around onto the other side of the road facing backwards and that's when the trucker pulls out a gun and shoots at Dom.  Dom drives back to where Letty is as she stills struggles to get back on the truck but Dom goes back to Tego. 

Dom: "Don't be crazy lose your load"

Tego: "what do you think i'm trying to do"

Dom: "idiot just release"

Dom races at the side of the truck when a sign appears on the side of the road showing a steep hill coming up in front that went straight down. Dom speeds up as they go down the hill and Letty manages to get back on the truck ad she freezes the metal as Dom drives next to her watching her every move.  As the trucker swerves side to side trying to shake Tego of the end of his truck. 

Dom: "hold onto something tight"

Letty grabs onto the ladder as Dom speeds up and spins the car around hitting the truck making it split apart. Letty gets throne around to the other side of the truck when Dom comes next to her putting his hand out the window reaching for her but she can't reach as her arm isn't as long as Dom's. They still continue to race down the hill when there was a sharp corner coming up but the truck was going to fast to turn and the brakes wasn't working so the trucker grabbed his lizard and jumped out of the truck while Letty still hangs on the side of the truck with her arm out.

Dom: "jump... Letty jump"

As they get closer and closer to the corner Letty still clinging onto the truck as it picked up pase down the hill 

Dom: "i got you"

As she leans back and jumps of the truck and onto the top off Doms car as he grabs her arm tight while she climbed through the window to sit back in the car while Dom continues to reverse down the hill full speed towards the corner. The truck rolls over and fire bursts out on the side of it as it rolled down the hill. Dom spins the car around and the front of the truck had stopped at the end of the corner and the middle of the truck still continued to roll down the hill as Dom stopped the car and watch as the burning truck came towards them. 

Letty: "Dom...... Dom............DOM!"

Dom changed the gear of the car and headed straight towards the burning truck. The truck jumps over the car as Dom slides under it and soins the car around to watch it roll down the hill and hit the front of the truck sending it up in flames and down the hill. Dom speeds of as they head their way home. 

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