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I stepped through the front door, completely exhausted after a long day in the studio. The thought of crawling straight into bed was the most appealing thought of the day, however the rose petals leading towards the kitchen halted me from heading straight upstairs. There was a pleasant smell in the air that suddenly reminded me that I haven't actually eaten all day. I followed the rose petals into the kitchen to find Odell stood at the stove. I took a look around the kitchen whilst his back was turned to me and smiled at the candles and bouquet of flowers on the table.

"Hi" Odell turned to me, a smile forming on his face.

"Hi, you have a good day at the studio?"

"Yeah, I did. What's all this?"

"It's our first date" my heart melted as a smile formed on my face and tears started to burn the back of my eyes.

"I didn't know you could be so romantic."

"It's all for you, Baby" butterflies erupted in my stomach as 'baby' effortlessly rolled off his tongue. Odell slid his arm around my waist, pulled me into him and leant to kiss me, completely taking my breath away.

"You mind if I go change?" I questioned as I detached our lips, not wanting it to escalate. "I smell of the studio."

"Didn't realise the studio had a smell."

"It's more like hours of hard work and sweat" Odell laughed as he softly kissed my forehead.

"You have time to shower too, if you want."

"I'd appreciate that. I assume Iris is asleep?"

"Fed, bathed and asleep" I leant up to peck Odell's lips and then headed out of the kitchen so I could shower and change into something a little more comfortable. I checked in on Iris on my way downstairs. She was still fast asleep and didn't even stir as I said goodnight. Batman came for a fuss as I stepped back into the kitchen so I gave him some attention whilst Odell plated up our food.

"It smells delicious" I took a seat at the table as Odell lowered my plate down in front of me. My stomach instantly growled with hunger. "I haven't eaten all day. This is so what I needed" Odell took a seat opposite me. "Did you have a good day with Iris?"

"Yeah. We took Batman out for a walk, she giggled as I threw the ball for him. She only napped for half an hour and she disappeared when I turned my back whilst I was grabbing lunch for her" I softly laughed as I nodded.

"We really need eyes in the back of our heads now. She's such a confident and fast little crawler."

"She really is" it fell silent around us for a moment and I found myself admiring Odell as he ate. I could feel myself falling more in love with him. "You okay?" I jumped, my cheeks flushing as I realised I'd been staring at him for longer than I thought. Odell's lips tugged into a smirk. He laughed as I dropped my gaze to my food, my heart thumping in my chest and butterflies swarming my stomach. "You any closer to your next single?" I was so thankful he changed the subject.

"No. I do have a song in mind but it hasn't been recorded yet. I did finish recording a song today though."

"And will I get to be one of the first to hear it?"

"Maybe" we silently smiled at each other. "But maybe you'll have to wait like everyone else" my lips tugged into a smirk as I brought a forkful of food up to my mouth.

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