Who's having fun wins !

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Back in space , Apotre Jupiter arrives in the magnetic field territory of the planet Saturn . Now that everyone's awake , there's finally some activity , including border surveillance . Two of the planet's Satelles Minor , Tarvos and Erriapus , are stationed at the entrance to Apotre Saturn's palace . On spotting Jupiter , Tarvos reaches for his saber .

Tarvos : Stop ! Who are you ?!

Annoyed , Erriapus slaps him on the head .

Erriapus : You fool ! It's Apotre Jupiter , the sultan's comrade !

He turned to him .

Erriapus : Please excuse him , Mr. Jupiter . He's new , his predecessor was devoured by Saturn .

Jupiter : I understand , forgiveness is granted . I've come to see Saturn .

Erriapus : Yes , sir .

The two Satelle Minors let him enter . Just after the huge door closes , Jupiter can hear Erriapus scolding the newcomer in their native language , Arabic , both of whom are of Tunisian origin . Apotre Jupiter found his neighbor sitting in the living room , quietly drinking tea and nibbling dried fruit , which he loves , at least when he's not eating young rodents .

Saturn : What do you want this time , Jupiter ?

Jupiter : My last moon , Callisto , has escaped and , like Ganymede , has probably taken refuge in Mouseford Academy .

Saturn : What am I supposed to do with her ? *eat a pistachio*

Jupiter : I let you have her as a snack as I let you devour half of my moons , and the others were sacrificed from my own paws in order to satisfy the whims of the Great Goddess so that none of us would be sacrificed by herself .

Saturn : Why didn't you kill Ganymede earlier when he became a student of Mouseford ? It's you who's stronger than us . You who inherited the same strength as your father , King Zeus from Olumpos world .

To this question , Saturn receives a heavy silence from his giant comrade , especially when it's about Ganymede . Aware of his homosexuality and his secret love for him , he knows that Apotre Jupiter will not able to murdering him or leaving him in the clutches of their evil goddess . He gets up and heads for the exit .

Saturn : I'll take care of it .

Earth , Mouseford Academy . The double salto avant was a trick that Nicky had executed to perfection countless times . That morning , however , she seemed the most difficult she'd ever attempted . The mouselet sat on the edge of the diving board and shook her head as she contemplated the pool . Every time she took the plunge , the sensation she'd felt the day before , when the flash of lightning had almost made her lose her balance and put her in danger , came back to her . Her friends thought she was discouraged by her low score , but for her , winning wasn't the most important thing . Her real problem was that she didn't know how to get rid of the apprehension that prevented her from taking the plunge . A cheerful voice snapped her out of her ruminations .

Colette : Hi , Nicky ! How's your training going ?

It was Colette , who had just arrived at the pool in the company of Pamela , Violet and Paulina . Judging that there was no need to worry her friends with her discomfort , Nicky hurried back down from the diving board .

Nicky : Good , thank you ! What about yours ?

Colette : Well , not bad ! The choreography I chose is really beautiful ! Without wishing to boast , I don't think I have any rivals !

Nicky turned to Pamela and Paulina , who remained strangely silent .

Nicky : And you ?

The two friends were competing with Shen and Craig in the kayak event . But Nicky suspected some difficulty .

Pamela : Well...

Paulina : *sighs* I'm afraid we don't stand a chance . The other teams have a very good level , while ours is disastrous ! First , we couldn't coordinate our movements...then Shen's paddle slipped in the water . And when he bent down to retrieve it , he lost his balance , the kayak flipped over and we all drank the cup !

Nicky : The important thing is to do your best ! The good times you had with your team-mates count more than any medal !

Pamela suddenly felt comforted .

Pamela : You know what ? You're absolutely right ! From now on , we'll be aiming for the Good Humor Trophy !

Thea Sisters Fanserie episode 20- May the best win !Where stories live. Discover now