A splash of color !

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Thanks to the encouragement of the Thea Sisters , Pamela and Paulina resumed their training with greater dynamism . Their team was neither the fastest , nor the best coordinated... but it was united and spirited . To win the competition , the four friends had decided to rely on the sound advice of their teacher . During the exercises , he followed them from a short distance , advising them .

Bruce : Shen , straighten your shoulders ! Paulina , take a deep breath ! Pam , concentrate !

Pamela , Paulina , Craig and Shen soon discovered that by focusing on their qualities instead of their faults , they were already improving . Stopping the stopwatch at the precise moment when the bow of their kayak touched the shore .

Pamela : Guys , we've just beaten our record !

Shen : And without falling overboard once !

Craig : I propose a hurray for the...the...*frowns* What's our name ?!

Paulina : Craig's right , our team doesn't have a name yet !

Pamela : We need to find one that expresses joy...For example...the Confetti !

Shen claps his paws together .

Shen : Perfect ! Why not write it on the kayak's hull ?

Craig then remembered seeing paint cans in the hangar where the boats were stored . Without missing a beat , he and Shen ran to find them . Shortly afterwards , they emerged carrying a whole pile of cans , so they couldn't see where they were going .

Craig : We're back !

Shen : We've got blue , green , red and yellow-Aaah!

Shen suddenly tripped over a root and ended up with his nose in the grass . As for his load , it flew up , uncorked and splashed onto their kayak . He stood up , contemplating the smeared hull .

Shen : I'm sorry... I've made quite a mess !

Pamela examined the colored stains that had already begun to dry .

Pamela : Not sure...

The mouselet dipped a brush into the bottom of a harbor and shook it in front of the boat , producing new flecks .

Pamela : Tell me... what do these dots of every color remind you of ?

Paulina : Confetti !

In no time at all , Paulina , Craig and Shen also armed themselves with paintbrushes and , in the image of their comrade , covered the hull with splashes of blue , yellow , red, green...

Bruce : Excellent work , Confetti ! Now all you have to do is get in the water and outdo yourselves !

Far from the training ground , someone is watching them : Callisto . Ever since she returned to the academy , wearing a simple hood so as not to be recognized , she's been spying on the Thea Sisters and theirs allies , trying to built the courage to talk to them and beg for their help...and also to talk to Ganymede , who was there before her . But every time she made her first attempts , they were always busy .

Thea Sisters Fanserie episode 20- May the best win !Where stories live. Discover now